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Looking up at the old brick building, Diana's dark brown eyes glazed across every detail of the place, noticing each chip on its exterior as she approached, her walk hesitant. It was much too early to be there, but she couldn't wait, for fear that something terrible may happen if she delayed.

The crisp wind billowed through the light scarf she wrapped around her short blonde hair, and with each step she took, her hold grew tighter as she clung to the fair baby in her hands. She was asleep, her innocence enviable to those without, but all the woman felt was love toward her. A pained love because she had to give her up.

Walking through the mahogany doors of the orphanage, Diana kept her head down, ashamed to be there. Spotting an older woman by a table, talking to a group of young boys, she waited until the children scurried off before approaching her.

"You boys should be in bed for at least another hour. What are you doing up so early?"

The slight stirrings of her daughter kept Diana mesmerized as she focused on memorizing every little quirk and action she made. The scolding on the boys faded away as the soft purrs of her child captivated her, making time stand still. But, she was fully aware that their time together was a commodity running scarce.

When the woman was free, Diana forced herself to call out to her, the sound of her voice through the strain almost unrecognizable as her own.


Turning around, a sorrowful knowing look flashed across the woman's face as she looked at Diana. Her curly silver hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail while her body was gowned in a lavender, floral patterned ankle-length dress. Diana was nervous of the conversation she'd soon have, but the warm and non-judgmental look in the woman's eyes helped her to breathe.

"Yes? What can I do for you?" she asked, her eyes already on the bundle of promise in Diana's hands.

"I-I...I need you to take care of my daughter," she said, the words like an anchor drowning her heart.

Nodding her head, the woman lead her toward a desk where she took all the information necessary for the child to be enrolled at the orphange.

Each second that ticked by was another second Diana was losing with her daughter, burning holes in her she knew no one would be able to repair.

"Okay, dear. We can take her now," the kind woman stated, a sympathetic look on her aged face.

"Oh, um...I just need a few more minutes with her. Please," Diana shared, feeling her lifeline slipping away as the abandonment finalized.

"Of course."

Slowly walking toward one of the windows in the front of the building, Diana pulled back the pale pink curtain, exposing the misty view of the early morning dew visible by the street lights.

"In another life, I'd have stayed with your father," she began saying, softly rubbing her daughter's rosey cheek. "The news of your conception would have been celebrated by his family, not by mine."

Sighing, Diana rested her head on the window, gently rocking her in her arms.

I should have never come back.

"In another life, I'd be braver for you," she whispered, disappointment towards herself evident in her voice. "I'd run away with you. I'd love you up close. I'd get to know you."

Nuzzling her nose against hers, Diana let out a muffled cry when her daughter's little hand grabbed her face. Looking at her, a big round pair of beautiful dark blue eyes sparkled, the spitting image of her's except for the color.

"Hi, baby," she cooed, forcing a smile on her face. "Good morning."

The girl began to yawn, her petite button nose crinkling as she squirmed, a motion Diana swore to never forget.

When the older woman peeked around the corner, Diana knew she had to do this now or she never would. She couldn't let them find her, not yet. Not until she was old enough to decide for herself. Her only prayer was that when that day came, she'd make the decision she wished she had made herself.

"I love you, baby," Diana cried, planting a tear-stained kiss on her daughter's cheek. "My precious Sydney."

Holding back sobs until the woman had taken her daughter from her, Diana ran out of the orphanage, her black flats clacking hard against the pavement of Galdon. When she was a block away, her cries filled the cool air, sending a flock of ravens fleeing out of the branches of a nearby tree.

And just as dawn broke, so did her heart.

"My only prayer is that my child succeeds where I have failed."

-Diana Moraa

Author's Note:
I decided to give you guys the prologue earlier than originally planned. Is it a gift or a curse? 🤔
You tell me 😅.

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