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They survived falling in love and having four (count 'em, FOUR) children. Now, Geekward and Nerdella are parents of teenagers. Say a prayer for them for they are in for a bumpy ride. Kyra is being a brat, displaying actions akin to her uncle who is nearing the end of his life on death row. Owen is a geek, like his dad. Then there is Mia and Masen, the twins. They're still cute and adorable. Well, as cute and adorable as twelve year olds can be.

Let's not forget Alice, Jasper, Adam, and Gianna (the Whitlock's), Justin, Alex and Demetri (the Volturis), Esme andMarcus (the Volturis), Tim, Rose, Ava and Lucas (the Napletons) and our antagonist, Jacob Black. Emmett will also make a brief appearance in this story, too. But he's not causing drama. His final goodbye, as it were.

Up next will be a chapter in Kyra's point of view (it'll start with Thanksgiving and go to the winter formal). What is cooking between her and Steve? After that chapter, we're going to go hear from Bella as Edward tells her about Jacob's impetus for his stalking, plus leading up to Edward's meeting with Emmett in prison.

Chapter Seven: Firsts


"Okay guys, I just got a text from your dad. I'm driving you to Miss Alice's house," Steve explained. He looked stressed out as he read the text on his cell phone. "Everyone buckled?"

"Yeah," Mia chirped from the backseat. "Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine," Steve responded, giving a forced smile to my sister. I poked Steve in the arm, arching a brow at him. He shook his head minutely. Huffing out a breath, I settled back into my seat as he backed out the garage.

"I wonder why Daddy asked you to drive us, Steve?" Mia pondered, twisting her long brown hair in her fingers. She had a bit of a crush on Steve. Hell, so did I. He was hella hot.

"Your mom and dad needed to discuss some things about a security breach," Steve said, shifting in the seat.

"Security breach?" I asked. "Are we not safe?"

"No, you're fine," he replied, giving me a reassuring smile. "There's just evidence of someone trying to break through the fence in the back of the yard."

"Do you think it's that guy who's stalking Mom?" Owen questioned, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Jerry?"

"Jacob," I muttered. "I wouldn't be surprised. That guy has got a hard-on for mom something fierce."

"Ewww, Kyra," Masen blanched. "That's our mother you're talking about. Gross!"

"Hate to break it to you, kids. Our parents have sex," I giggled. "We're living, breathing proof that they've done the deed at least three times."

"Three? Why not four?" Masen asked, scratching his head.

"Mase, we're twins," Mia said, bopping his head. "Duh."

"God, I feel dumb," Masen blushed. "And squicked out. Our parents have sex? Yuck!"

"You'll want to have sex, too," I smirked, looking at my baby brother. "It's only natural."

"Yeah, many, many years down the road," Masen deadpanned.

"Amen to that," Owen muttered under his breath.

"Enough of the sex talk," Steve squeaked out. "Yes, they are your parents but they're my boss. So, let's talk about more age appropriate things like puppy dogs, bunnies or the Blackhawks."

"Steve, none of us care for hockey," Mia giggled. "Too violent."

"Well, talk about something else besides your parents' sex life," Steve snorted. "Please, for my sanity."

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