Chapter 5

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Chloe looked at the man. "How are you alive? I saw you get shot." "Yes. Me." He spoke. She felt her world spinning out of control and her legs giving out. Christoph caught her before she fell. "Easy there." He placed her on the bed. "Breathe. I will explain everything."

Chloe spoke once she had calmed down. "How?" "It is quite simple because I was never shot with a real bullet." Her eyes went wide. "What doe you mean? Tell me what is going on." "Everything was fake. The story you found of me being a billionaire and my wife and child being killed. My gang. You thinking you escaped your father. Us kidnapping you."

She looked at him broken. "Your father knew you will never control you after killing Tim so he 'accidently' left the fake information about me out knowing you would find it and read it. As soon as you left the house was the game in play. Your father, Rick and I planned everything except for you getting raped. But what ever happened, happened."

She was now crying silently. "We had to move up our plan when you wanted to escape the house. Rick rigged the pace to blow. Your father knew exactly where you were at all times and in the motel when you fought for the gun was it really brave and I almost felt bad for tricking you that I was in danger."

"Why tell me now? What was in it for you?" "I told you only because you pulled off my face cover and Twenty million is all I need. Now come on we need to get going the house is under attack." He said pulling her with him.

"No, I am not going anywhere with you!" She screamed pulling out of his grip. "Now, now Violet don't be difficult we can do this the easy way or the hard way." He said stalking her.

He backed her up against the wall. Her lips trembled as she spoke. "Please let me go and leave me alone." He forced her legs open so that he could stand in-between them. He gently stroked her cheek. "Sleep tight." He told her before he injected the drug.

He took her body in his arms and walked upstairs to the helipad. Victor was already in the helicopter. Christoph buckled her up before climbing in the helicopter. "Where is your face cover and why did you take so long?" "Sorry she tried to escape and pulled it off and freaked out when she saw me. I told her everything." Victor just nodded his head.

The helicopter landed at one of Victor's hotels an hour ago. Both men were in the penthouse living room drinking Jack Daniels. "So how did my daughter take the news?" "Not very well although she didn't faint." "She will get over it someday." Victor spoke.

Christoph lit his cigarette. "What are you going to do with her now?" "I am not sure I'll probably place her at my safe house in Spain till I find the mole. You will go with her." "Yes, sir." "Oh, Christoph, I know it was bound to happen that you and my daughter would have sex and I am not mad at you that you did but you did use protection, didn't you?"

"Yes, why do you ask?" "I don't want her to have child yet. She doesn't deserve that joy. She is going to be punished for trying to escape me." Christoph nodded his head and took a long drag of his cigarette.

Chloe, Victor and Christoph were sitting at the dining table eating dinner well Christoph and Victor were eating while Chloe just sat there. "Eat your food Chloe." Her father ordered. "I am not feeling well." She replied without eye contact.

"I don't care. You will eat what is given!" Victor yelled at her. "No. You don't control me." She said throwing her plate to the wall. "Fine starve then." Victor told her as she walked to her room.

Chloe was asleep when she felt someone shaking her and a hand placed down on her mouth. "Chloe. Chloe wake up." Chloe opened her eyes and hazel brown eyes stair back at her.

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