Prologue and Part One

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Hester had hated candy since she was born. She'd never craved it like other kids, seeing as she could have it whenever she wanted, living in a gingerbread house when she was young. When she refused to eat the oven cooked children her mother served for dinner, she'd be forced to eat it or go hungry. Needless to say, she despised candy. It made her think of her now dead mother, which was never good. She still woke from nightmares of her. Anyone who had half a brain could have figured this out, so that's why she couldn't believe her what was in front of her. Two pale hands palm up, and in them, a small bag of fluffy marshmallows.

It's not like this sight would be that odd on it's own. It was who was holding the bag that confused her. She was probably the least likely person to be holding the candy that Hester could think of. She was tall, gaunt, and pale as a ghost. Her hair was ivory, stringy and falling down past her red, bloodshot eyes. Three black rats perked out of her pocket, sniffing the bag, expression matching the uncertain look on the girls face, a look Hester's best friend never wore.

"Anadil, what do you think you're doing?" Anadil swallowed, looking uneasy. She'd faced zombies,witches, and even crazy pythons with a cool face, so it must be bad if something was making her nervous. Hester snorted, crossing her arms. "Marshmallows? You know I hate candy." Anadil's face fell back into her usual frown, which left Hester feeling relieved, but a tad disappointed.

"I know idiot. It's not about the dumb candy. It was just..." She put her hands down and looked at her feet. "Sophie, Agatha, and the others are all on a date, and well, Nicola and Hort locked themselves up in that tent an hour ago doing god knows what ...  so I thought we should do something." Hester raised an eyebrow and grinned. Anadil sneered.

"Not like that. I meant I was bored, and wanted to hang out with you. It's been so long since we've had a night without Dot, well, we haven't had one since..." All of a sudden, her face went red and she crossed her arms, shaking her head. A sudden vivid memory flashed into Hester's mind and she coughed, choking on air. 

"Well, I think there's a reason for that Ani. Last time we were alone for long without a crisis to deal with, well, it didn't go so great. With that mistake you made and all." Anadil leaned against a tree and glared at her, looking a tad uncomfortable. "Come on Hester. I just want to get away from Hort's stupid love tent. It smells putrid over there. I mean, what do you think will happen? It's not a big deal."


It's not a big deal. Hester's mind swam, as she remembered a tall brown door with a hairy spider's web on the corner. Room 66, Hester's new home in the school for Evil. Sure, it was no ivory castle and it usually smelled like rat shit, but it was home non the less. Hester's foot hurt like hell, and her head hurt worse. She'd kicked the wall hard enough to leave a dent today, right after that stupid, blonde, pigheaded brat Sophie had ranked first in another challenge, leaving her to scowl and curse. It wasn't that Hester minded being beaten that much ( that's what she told herself anyway), it was the fact she was being beaten by Sophie. For one thing, she had almost zero respect for the girl, seeing as she spent more time brushing her creamy, stupidly long hair, running around kissing blonde boys with the brains of a hogs behind, or putting creams on her face than actually studying. For another, the girl was Evil. And that was coming from Hester, the most evil witch in school. She seemed to have no sense of the balance. No respect for the fact that evil can't thrive without good, just as good can't thrive without evil. You had to tolerate both, even if you outwardly hate each other. Sophie didn't even respect Agatha, her best friend. Agatha. Hester felt her stomach boil with anger.

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