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It hadn't been long since the dungeon, only a few weeks, but things had changed dramatically. Tedros and Agatha were somewhere, trying to figure out how to win back his throne, and Sophie was in Camelot, stuck with the Snake of all people. Hester had been on the road for around a week now with her coven, and she was about ready to strangle both Dot and Anadil, regardless of her love for them. Mostly Dot. She loved the plump witch, but she wished she would just go away. Day and night she caught Anadil's red gaze fixed on her and her face would grow warm, but then there was one stupid witch in the way. It was probably for the best that Dot was there she reminded herself. They had a mission to focus on, saving Merlin from the caves of Contempo after all. Finding the old wizard was much more important than her wish to lay down with her...with Anadil. The wish to stroke her hair in the soft light of a fire while Anadil kissed her gently, warm tingles running up Hester's body, just as they had that night- 

"Hester? You alright?" Hester snapped out of it as Anadil gently placed a hand on her shoulder. The pale witch looked concerned, but her voice was low enough that Dot was unaware, still trudging on ahead of them. It took Hester a second before she realized what had happened. Her face was blushing a bright, warm red. 

"Yeah." She said roughly, jerking away. Hurt flashed in Anadil's face, and Hester's stomach plunged with guilt. "Thank you Ani," She said more gently as she moved closer to her friend. Anadil's face relaxed as Hester's hand slipped into hers and they continued walking, silent. Hester cursed in her head as they walked, cursing love and how complicated it was. 

Night came early and unexpectedly in the form of hard, pelting rain. The sun was blocked out quickly, and the world plunged into the darkness of a unrelenting downpour. It was a few raindrops at first, but it quickly turned into much more, soaking all three witches cloaks, hair, and skin to the bone. 

"Hesteeeeer. If we go on much longer, we're all going to catch the flu and die!" Dot whined as they trudged through the thick mud. Hester's hair was falling into her face, and she could barley make out the road in front of her, still she kept walking, determined. She turned back and attempted to glare at Dot, though she could hardly see the short witch. 

"No! It's not time to stop and rest yet so we keep going! Anyone got a problem with that?" Dot looked down with a pouted sigh, crossing her arms. Hester turned back, satisfied. 

"Hester, I'm with Dot." Hester whipped around to Anadil. The pale witch had water streaming off her thin hair, her lanky frame exposed by the skin hugging wet dress. Her shoulder bones and limbs poked out eerily, giving her the appearance of a pissed off ghost. 

"What?" Hester ground out through her teeth. 

"We're stopping. Feel free to continue but good luck getting anywhere without your coven." Dot grinned up at Anadil as she shrugged then started to walk away from the path towards the shelter of some large oak trees. Hester watched her two friends go, smoldering with rage until they were out of view, then she followed them, cursing the whole way there. 

Once they were sitting down, Anadil started to set up tents. Usually they didn't bother with the hassle, but it was cold and wet out tonight and they really didn't have much of a choice. Hester sat and watched them at the base of the tree, glaring. 

"Alright Hester, we're done with the tents, no thanks to you." Anadil snapped as her and Dot walked over. Dot looked back at the tents then over at Anadil, confused. 

"We're not done! You only set up two!" Hester turned bright red, rage forgotten and Anadil gave Dot a withering look. After a second, Dot's face lit with understanding. 

"Ooooooh. Well goodnight then. I'll see you two tomorrow." With a wink, she slid into her tent, leaving Hester gaping. 

"Did she...DID SHE JUST WINK AT ME?!?!" Hester roared, standing up. Anadil grabbed her hand, calmly leading her to their tent.

"Leave her alone lets go inside and dry off." Grumbling, Hester and her friend slid into the tent. 

 *Warning: This part has some sexual content recommend 14 and up I guess*

There was barely any light inside the tent, just the warm glow of a single candle. Hester glanced around before her eyes caught on Anadil and she flushed a bright red. 

"ANADIL WHY ARE YOU UNDRESSING!" Anadil turned to her and smirked, left in nothing but her underthings, which though modest enough was WAY to much for Hester. 

"Because our clothes are soaking wet Hester. I'd suggest you do the same, unless you want to catch a nasty cold." Hester pulled her eyes away from Anadil then turned to the corner, slipping off her own wet dress. She felt oddly...self conscious as she turned around, feeling naked under Anadil's red gaze, in all senses of the word. Anadil's piercing stare wondered her body, yet Hester's gaze stayed fixed on the walls of the tent, anywhere but the girl in front of her, scared of looking, scared of the tender eyes of her friend. 

"You can look you know." Anadil's voice was a soft purr, her eyes narrowed and a slight grin on her face. Hester blushed, then allowed herself to gaze at her. Her skin was pale and smooth, her long white hair falling over her bony shoulders, thin frame cold and stark in the candle light. Hester slowly sat down on the opposite side of the tent, curling her arms around herself. Anadil smiled, then crept closer slowly, taking Hester's hand. Hester felt sparks run up her arm as her breath caught, her body relaxing. Still gazing into Hester's eyes, Anadil took her hand and kissed it softly, lips grazing her knuckles like the soft stroke of a cool breeze. Still kissing Hester's hand, she pulled her arm up around her, pulling in closer until she was curled against Hester's chest, her breath warm against Hester's skin, sparking goosebumps which ran from her breasts up her neck. Hester leaned down and pressed her face into Anadil's hair, the smell of mint filling her senses. As Anadil's hands stroked down her neck, she felt her own playing with Anadil's hair, twirling it round her finger slowly, then letting it cascade down the girls back. Anadil looked up at her, eyes now wide and vulnerable, too much for Hester to handle any longer. Letting her instincts take over, she placed her hand on the side of Anadil's face and pressed her lips against her cold ones. The taste of Anadil burst into her mouth, running delicately over each taste bud as she felt the space between her legs warm, butterflies flaring in her stomach. She placed her other hand on Anadil's stomach, slowly tracing her finger on it, savoring the soft texture. Running her hands down Anadil's back, she felt the girl sigh, kiss deepening before they broke away slowly. Outside, the sky lit up with lightning as she stroked Anadil's cheek, brushing her thumb next to her ear, coaxing out a hitched breath from the girl. She saw Anadil's face clearly in the flash, and her heart melted as they sat there, lips barely parted from each other, their breath brushing one another faces, hungry eyes illuminated in the temporary light. 

"I love you so much more than anything in this world." Hester whispered, the words barley audible over the rumble of thunder, her face inches away from Anadil's. Anadil's hand slowly traveled to Hester's face, cupping her chin and running her fingers softly over her cheek. 

"Why?" Hester smiled as she inched closer, lowering Anadil softly to the ground, catching her head with her hand like a pillow. She gazed at the girl below her for a moment, her hair spread on the ground, her skin colorless other than the blush of blooming red on her cheeks and her lips, starting to swell from kissing, matching the red of her eyes. 

"Because you're the only thing that makes me feel. Feel human, feel happy, feel home. To me, you are the only Good in this world." Anadil's thumb brushed against the sensitive part under Hester's ear, and she closed her eyes, savoring the sensation. As she leaned down to kiss Anadil, she felt more than heard her whisper in her ear.

"I love you too Hester. Every Evil, stupid, beautiful cell in your body. I love it with every piece of my heart, the one that I didn't know existed until I met you." Anadil wrapped Hester into her arms as their lips met, their warmth and bodies becoming one. 

*Sexual content done (for now)*

They were very close to reaching the Caves of Contempo and her friends were getting on her nerves more than she thought they ever could. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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