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They captured me. That was their plan all along to divide and conquer. I woke up in a cold, wet, and darkroom the only source of light was a hole above me. The smell of bloodsuckers wreaked and Burnt my nose the smell was overpowering. I tried to reach my wolf but with no success. I could still feel her but faintly, it was just me against these things, the bloodsuckers. And it's s a fight I couldn't win in human form. I just had to stay alive and hope Kaden comes to recuse me, that's if he knew where here is.

" My Bella. It's so good to see you again "

The voice I heard was my father's, that's impossible. My father is dead I cried over his lifeless body.

" Dad. "

I called. I was still in disbelief. I was trying to see where he is when the lights came on and there he was standing in front of me. His eyes blood red his fangs extended.

" What did they do to you? "

I say the words leaving my mouth before I could stop them.

" Isn't obvious Bella, I'm one of them. " My father says with a laugh, " And soon you will be one of us. "

I shake my head, disagreeing with him. When he laughs I say the words out loud.

" I won't, no I won't become one of you."

I started screaming for Kaden, I couldn't believe my father is now on their side. He's now a hybrid just like Tristan. My screams made my father laugh.

"Do you really think anyone can hear you? That someone will come to your rescue? "

My father says his voice void of emotion. He walks towards me slowly.

" Dad, Dad you use to love me once. I'm your daughter. Please don't forget Dad, Don't forget who you are. "

I pleaded.

When dad got closer he cut the chains and urged me to run, and I did but not without him.

" Come with me dad, please! "

I say trying to pull him with me. He then shifted and I got on his back. I couldn't believe how big a hybrid is compared to a werewolf.

You can worry about it later.

My wolf said resurfacing. She was okay. As Dad ran with me he grabbed vampires with his teeth and flung them out of the way when they were trying to stop us. I was going to be okay, better even now that I had my dad back. We were almost out of the vampire's territory. Dad ran with me dodging trees left and right until we came to common ground. Halfway into the woods Dad stops and lets me off. He then shifted and we walked the rest of the way on foot.

We were still walking when I caught Kaden's scent. I stop by instinct and started smelling the air. He was close really close.


I call through the mind link. A few minutes after he answers.

" Bella, baby where are you? "

He says his voice sounding relieved. He was happy as I was to hear his voice. I was about to mind link him again when I felt arms wrap around me, followed by his wonderful scent. I allowed him to hold me because I missed him too.

After hugging me he looked me over searching for injuries. Once he found that I'm fine he hugged me again. His eyes then landed on my father. He shoved me behind his back and stood in front of me protectively.

"Kaden it's okay, he won't harm us."

I say trying to walk around him, but he shadowed my every move.

" Kaden please just listen to me, he saved me. He's my father he would never harm me. "

I say pleading with my eyes for him to understand and relax. But he didn't he kept me behind his back the whole time as he studied my father.

Kaden studied my father for what seemed like forever then he relaxed, but not completely his eyes still followed my father's every move. Kaden kept me close to him while he kept me close. After a long moment, he says.

" Let's head home. "

I knew what he said was meant for me, not my father. He didn't belong to our pack. And I as Luna had to keep the pack rules from being broken even if he's my father.
Kaden lifted me in his arms and carried me and I think I know why it's to keep his wolf at ease. The way he was carrying me made me think back to Eclipse when Jacob was carrying Bella. The only difference in this scenario is I'm named Bella and my mate's name is Kaden. I honestly need to stop watching those movies. That's if I could.

My inner ramblings are truly amazing. I know. My father stays close but not too close, he didn't want to make Kaden uncomfortable.
The pack houses slowly came into view as we got closer. We walked into the pack, we were getting both relieved and scared looks from the members of the pack and I knew why.

My father.

Hybrids had a sort of frightening appearance even they were absolutely calm. And I would be uneasy to had he not been my father before he was turned into what he is now.

A Hybrid.

We got to the main packhouse and summer was the first one to find me and pull me in her arms.

"Thank Goddess you're okay Bella. "

She says looking happy to see me, but the happy look on her face was short-lived It quickly turned from a look of happiness to a look of dread when she sees my father standing behind us. She didn't see my father anymore she saw a monster.

" It's okay Summer, he won't hurt you. "

I say trying to make her understand. She then steps away and says.

"How can you bring that thing here, one of them? "

I couldn't believe Summer. I know my father was turned but it's not his fault. He didn't choose this. He didn't even know that it was possible for him to live after death. This kind of thing was only made up of movies. I had to clear things up before everyone starts to call my father a monster.

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