Chapter 9: Throwing Up While Getting Ready Part 2

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* No Pov's *

Liam: Lou, I was just grabbing my cell phone.

Lou: Oh, okay.

Harry: Liam, will you please get my girlfriend. * Moans *

Liam: I am working at it.

Lou: Liam I am finished with you. Niall get in the styling chair so you can get your hair and make-up done.

Harry: Liam, get my girlfriend, please. *Moans *

Liam: Okay, Harry. *runs to get Harry's girlfriend *

Harry: Thanks, daddy direction. * Moans *

Liam: Anything, for you Harry.

Niall: Harry, why aren't you moving and getting dressed?

Harry: Nialler because every time I move it makes me want to throw up.

Zayn: Wow. Hey Lux, Where are you going? * Chases After Baby Lux *

Baby Lux: You, can't catch me.

Zayn: Oh, yes, I can. * Catches Baby Lux *

Baby Lux: Ahhhhh! * scream and runs. *

Zayn: Gotcha. *laughs and picks Lux Up *

Baby Lux: Uncle Zayn, Oh no you got me. Put me down. *laughs and play hits her Uncle Zayn *

Liam: Nichelle! * Catches His Breath *

Nichelle: Yes Liam, what's up?

Liam: Hey, Anne And Gemma.

Gemma & Anne: Hi, Liam.

Liam: Nichelle, can I talk to you over there?

Nichelle: Yes, you may. Please excuse me, Anne, and Gemma.

Anne & Gemma: Okay.

Liam: Nichelle, Harry wanted me to come and get you.

Nichelle: He asked for me? Is everything okay?

Liam: Yeah, I don't think so.

Harry: Where are Liam and my girlfriend Nichelle. * Moans *

Louis: Harry, you need to finish getting ready.  You at least have your pants on, all you have to do is put your shirt on come on.

Harry: I am not going to move Louis unless you want to see me throw up everywhere in our dressing room.

Louis: Well you have to, no I don't especially if you are going to trigger Niall.

Harry: No, I am not moving.

Louis: Come on, Harry.

Harry: Louis stop moving me, you're not helping.

Louis: Come On; get up, get up.

Harry: Louis, stop.

Zayn: Stop, Louis.

Harry: Ugh, Stop. * face gets paler and greener *

Niall: Stop, Louis

Harry: Oh my god. Louis move!

Louis: Why?

Harry: Just Move! * Pushes Louis out of the way and dashes to the bathroom ASAP *

Louis: Whoa, he was fast.

Harry: My stomach is so unhappy. * Closes The Bathroom Door *

Liam: Where is Harry?

Niall: In the bathroom.

Zayn: Louis, that was not cool.

Louis: What?

Niall: You kept moving Harry and now he is in the bathroom.

Harry: I am so mad at Louis for moving me and now I am in the bathroom. * Throws Up *

Liam: Is Harry throwing up?

Lou: Yeah, I hear him.

Harry: Oh my god, my stomach. * Throws Up *

Liam: Nichelle, Harry is in the bathroom.

Nichelle: Really?

Liam: Yes.

Nichelle: Oh my. Harry, sweetie are you okay?

Harry: No. *throws up for 30 minutes *

Nichelle: Can I come in?

Harry: Yeah. *throws up *

Nichelle: Awe, Harry. * rubs his back to comfort him while throwing up *

Harry: I am so angry at Louis. He wouldn't stop moving me and every time I moved my stomach got even more uneasy, and this is what happened.

Nichelle: Awe, baby. * Comforts him *

Harry: I feel like crap. *throws up for another 20 minutes and finally stops puking. *

Nichelle: Are you done?

Harry: Yes, can you help me please? * Wipes his mouth and nose *

Nichelle: Of course. *helps Harry up and gets him to the sink to brush his teeth and helps him get ready for the show tonight *

Harry: Thanks, babe.

Nichelle: Anytime, baby.

Paul: Time to get going and warm your vocals up.

One Direction: Okay. * they warm their vocals up *

Nichelle: Everyone ready?

One Direction: Yeah.

Nichelle: Okay.

here is the rest of the chapter enjoy.

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