My weird life

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Eat, sleep,study. That's pretty much al I do. Some say I have a boring life. But you know what? I'm satisfied with it. That's all I'm good at anyway. (50%. How disappointing is that for a class average) (l've said this time and time again. We have tutor Available after school). Every day of the week you guys don't even bother to study on them...And do you guys even read book? Also,no,I'm not going to curve the test nor give out extra credit. I'm not spoiling you all any longer.mits not like I'm gonna need it.   I study all week long for this test after all . What did I get anyway ? It's pretty easy so I should have gotten an 85% at lease...
O well.a 68%! Can you twoBelieve that??? And then she assumes that none of us are reading our books! I don't know about the others, but I know I read. That's all I do! I even pulled several all nighters to make sure I didn't miss anything! So much for getting that scholarship at the university . You know what? Since they make good money. I'll just be a designer instead. Are you sure about that .  Shin-are  I don't think that going to work.What! You deal with a lot of people. Second you need to know what your dealing with. Third you need to learn to sew clothes even tho you don't even know how to. Hahah! Excuse me guys Its Called Being Better Than Both Of You! Come on shin-ae. There are plenty of other ways to make a living. You know what. Why don't you end that No Dating attitude of yours? Rika's Right! Who knows,you might get lucky and get yourself a rich man! Okay so your saying ....become a GOLD DIGGER . No. I was saying maybe when you find a guy he'll  provide for you so you won't have to worry about anything. well it doesn't work that way today. We all have to put in our own weight. Maybe a decade ago that would be fine. But... Ah.. Forget it . I'll figure out something out. Whining isn't going to fix anything. Looks like lunch. is over. After class want to grab some burgers. I'm paying. Of course! Why would I say no to that? Alright! We're heading back to class then... I'll meet ya outside your classroom after school. By the way, if the college thing doesn't work out... You can always be a housewife! NOT A CHANCE! Clam down ! I was only kidding! Class 4 A . When did college get so expensive? Is it even possible for a high school student to work a full-time- job? Working a year-part time at minimum wage only yields enough for a semester at the University. I could alway take a break from school to save up. But I don't think my dad would approve. Housewife eh? Yeah... No way is that going to happen. Not that I have nothing against marriage or dating ... or love for that matter. (Scribble scribble) I just don't wanna go through what my father did after the split. Not to mention what the children are put through... boi, watchu lookin' at!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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