02: Stupid Jokes and the Bat Cave

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Hi everyone, I hope you enjoy the second chapter. It has minimal flash backs, says what Ann's appearance looks like and we finally get introduced to some people!


She walked into the motel, as she walked to her room she waved to the 18 year old boy she had flirted with earlier to get a cheaper price on her room. When she got in her room she threw the boys phone number that he gave her into the paper waste basket. "Yea right kid, not today." she thought to herself.

It was almost midnight and she was really exhausted from the day she had. She left her life behind and came into the one she was in now with Castiel, the awkward angel.


Earlier that day after she arrived in this strange world she gave Castiel a weird look. "It is so normal, I just thought it would be different. You know, crawling with supernatural and demony things everywhere, but I guess this is reasonable." she shrugged and crinkled her nose.

"It is reasonable, and almost the same as your world besides the 'supernatural and demony things' everywhere, they are very well at hiding." He made quotation marks with his fingers when he said supernatural and demony things.

Ann suddenly felt tired, and Castiel could sense it. "Uh, there is a motel a few miles up the road, I could take you there. We need to get you a vehicle still." he said while handing her some cash, "To pay for the room." "Thanks" she replied and off they went.

They appeared outside the motel looking at sign that read, "Room special, $60 per night, with free wifi."

Ann walked into the motel lobby / office and went up to the red desk, "I need a room please."

The younger dark haired man (maybe 18-19 ish years old she thought) looked up from what he was doing. "King or two queens?"

"I think I will need one king. All by myself, you see." she flashed him a flirty smile.

"Oh, um, are you single? I mean are you here alone? Wow that sounds creepy, sorry." Awkward, Ann thought.

"Oh yea, I am single, I just came here to visit some friends. Maybe we could hang out sometime?" she winked.

He looked dazed as he replied, "Um sure, that would be fun, you look like the fun type." He glanced past her, "The total for the room is thirty five dollars per night, you have room number six."

She handed him the required amount of money, "Whew, just enough money, I cannot believe that actually worked." she thought.

She continued to walk to her room when she saw a drink machine, and decided she was going to get a drink; it then started to sprinkle rain. She bought a root beer and started walking back to her room again. Ann approached her door, she unlocked it and and stepped inside noticing that the rain started to pour down harder.


Back to current time Castiel appeared, scaring Ann, "Jeesh are you trying to scare me to death?" Ann sat on the king bed.

"That would not be possible, unless by ghost possession or-"

"A vengeful spirit, yeah I know, season four episode six, 'Yellow Fever'. That one was really funny," She laughed remembering how scared Dean was of that small yorkie dog- and that cat in the abandoned locker, "I have seen the episode where that happened, remember?"

Cas' blue eyes looked disappointed that he couldn't continue his information spree, "Oh yes, it must have slipped my mind," he looked off for a moment then continued talking about something different, "I will see you again tomorrow and introduce you to the boys, there is research to do. We also.."

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