Xs Bitchess !!!

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Lucious P.O.V.

As we left the mall we went home to pick out our outfits which took atleast two hours and by now it was now 10 and only had about an hour before it was time to get dress.

I went into the shower for about 20 minutes when I came out I put on my pink and black thongs with my matching bra from victoria secret,I lotioned up my body with johsonson's baby lotion no Im not a baby but it  makes my skin smooth anyways I went to my bathroom and started to wand curl my hair.

After I was done my hair, I put on my makeup and put on my neon green lips. I headed back into my room I put on my black and white bandeau and my high waist black and white skirt with my neon heels with spike on the back with my fendi neon bag. I sprayed on my "Heat" by Beyonce and looked in my full body length mirror.

"damn was I looking hot tonite" I mumbled to myself

I took a few pictures put them into a collage and posted it on insta with my caption saying "Even if I came with instructions,you still wouldnt be able to handle me! " ten minutes later I got  mad like and comments it made me smile to no people loved the one and only lucious.

"LOCO YOUR ASS BETTER BE READY" I shouted knwoing her she takes years to get dress. between all of this I can't help but to think about Dre damn I hope I see him soon.

Loco's P.O.V

After my long ass day of shopping I found the perfect outfit for tonight im finna turn up likes its my last  by the time we got home it was 10 I had about an hour to get ready I jumped  into the shower and took about 35 minutes I hopped out lotion my body with some Coco butter nd put on my hot prink lingerine I  got from victoria secrect

  I slipped on my beautiful all black lacy mesh dress with see-through pannels that stopped mid-thigh, I sprayed some olive oil-sheen  in my hair to make it shine added my silver rolex,my big silver big loop earring and my 5 milli silver shining necklace I got custamize that says LOCO, I added some bright russian red lip gloss from mac to match my red 6 inch pumps, looking in my full body mirror being satisfied in what I was wearing I sprayed  some purfume and headed downstairs 

"Bout time,Netty been blowing me up bout what time we coming you know that bitch has nothing good to do with her life"Lucious said 

"Lets go we going together or seperate cars"I ask 

"Seperate you know how you get when we go to clubs you dont ever wanna leave " she said 

"Ight"  I said  

We locked up and headed downstairs to the underground ,Lucious hopped in her all black maserati while Loco hopped in her lexus LFA and headed to club XS,they got to the club and went as soon as they walked in Yass Bish by Nicki Minaj ft Souja Boy started playing they headed striaght to V.I.P and of course all the hating ass bitches mean mugged them but we ont pay em any mind.

Dre's P.O.V

I was at the trap chilling when I decied I  wanted to hit up the club I heared club XS finna be live tonight so I decied to head home and get ready I  dapped up the boys and headed out after I took about 40 minutes getting ready and I cant lie yo nigga was look fly asf I hit up my boy Q to see if he finna pull up with me 



Dre:Shid im bout to hit up club XS wondering if you wanna pull up

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