The Naked Tree

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On top of mount Zar in southern Poland stands a naked tree, the unique thing about this tree is that it is without leaves throughout the year, it’s not dead either, as previous tests have shown that it is aging and it’s around the two hundred years old. Whilst I was in Poland, I’ve decided to check out this tree; you see I’m a botanist and this phenomenon most certainly interested me. I ended up doing some private research around this mountain and it turns out there is some kind of bunker under the mountain. My little expedition ended up turning into an archeological discovery, it turns out this bunker is actually a former Nazi facility and according to the archeologists working on that site, something unpleasant happened inside the facility. I’ve been told there are many skeletons inside, some with wood stuck between the bones.

They also found some sort of diary in this bunker; it was mostly written in German but there is a short passage in Russian as well. I’ve asked for a translation of the text out of pure interest and when I received the fax containing the text I was a bit perplexed by content. It details some experiment, the point of which is to gain the ability to accelerated regeneration, I am not sure if it is an authentic diary or just an elaborate hoax by some local, seeing as how the contents detail something highly unlikely, even today, let alone over seventy years ago. My colleagues back home and family are skeptical, even more skeptical than me, but I’d still like to share this with you people, perhaps some of you might be familiar with a similar text or content.

It’s also important I note that most of the text in the file was undecipherable and I have only a translation of a fraction of the content, so please bare with me.

“The experiment has begun, apparently some of our guinea pigs tried to escape this facility, but our fine soldiers were able to catch up to the escapists and they ended up being a part of the dinner we hosted for the rest of our guinea pigs. Those savage Slavs seemed pretty happy about the rebellious meat we provided them. Anyhow, tomorrow morning we inject them with the serum and hope for the best. My colleagues here estimate the majority of them won’t survive, there are some who even believe this experiment will not work, however I am optimistic about this. 7/9/41”

“We injected the serum to the guinea pigs a week ago, and today we started testing them, I suppose it did not take effect yet or perhaps it does not work, as seeing how every time we had a soldier wound a Slav, his body would not fix itself. I am still optimistic however; we just need to give the issue more time. 14/9/41”

“It’s been a month since I’ve last written in this, work is in abundance and time is scarce. Still no positive effects from the serum. Subjects however began to get ill and a few have already died after having flu like symptoms, we’re making sure the subjects are kept in the best conditions possible to avoid any kind of miniscule pandemic that might attack our subjects. I’ve been told today that Herr Himmler wants us to stay in the facility until the completion of this experiment, trapping us here with these lowlife Slavs and bored soldiers… Not What I had been hoping for when I signed up for this. I will update later once more, work is calling. 14/10/41”

“More dead… still no results… soldiers had gone completely insane, started killing the subjects. We lost four subjects… An Aryan soldier should not be used as a guard dog; he needs to kill and slaughter enemies of the Reich… 29/10/41”

“Still no progress, we keep losing subjects to either disease or the serum, we’ve managed to keep the soldiers at bay but letting them leave the facility in pairs at a time. It’s been five months since we’ve started this experiment and all we have is a pile of useless decaying corpses. I am well aware that this is an important experiment but I have already lost faith in this, I think someone needs to report to the highest ranks that we are achieving nothing here but the waste of valuable manpower that could be used on either of our fronts. On a brighter note, the causes of death among the subjects now vary and are sometimes extremely excruciating; it brings joy to my heart to know that these dogs end up dying in unimaginable agony. Common causes of death now; rupture of the bowels, which leads to the dogs vomiting their shit, bleeding to death through the facial orifices, or gradual complete paralysis over the course of a few days. It does make our nights sleepless sometimes, as these pigs tend to scream for help or something of the sorts whenever these things happen. The pleasure their suffering brings me is worth losing some sleep over. 7/2/42”

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