the exchange

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A: okay, what is it?
Ad:i don't know why but when your brother said that you are able to stay for two more weeks I got really excited. 
Ad: really.  I hope you don't think that this is too forward of me to ask but, can I have your number?
A:sure  but only if I can have yours.
Ad: K.  I got to go they're going to kick me out if I don't go soon.
A: hope I get to see you again before I have to go home.
Ad: Im sure you will.  Don't worry.

*the next day *

A:so when do I get to leave?
Nurse: as soon as they get your paper work done.
A: how long is that going to be?
Nurse: it can take up to 45 minutes, just depends on how slow the printer wants to be today. 
A:oh, alright.
Nurse: so was that your boyfriend that came to see you last night?
A: who?
Nurse: the guy with the pineapple tat on his neck.
A: Adym, no,  he's not my boyfriend,  he's a YouTuber that I came to see and he and his brother just felt bad that I got a concussion when I went to give them a hug. That's all. 
Nurse: oh,  OK,  could have fooled me.  He seemed awful flirty with you to not be your boyfriend or even at that have the slightest bit of a crush on you. But any way here are you discharge papers. Just sign on the line and your  free to go.

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