Blue Moon

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ok so so sorry for a late update, I did not notice that it was Friday...the day I needed to update, but of course I noticed one day later...oops Please enjoy.

She gets angry. She has been tortured by her worst fears. She's done. She can't handle it anymore she just wants this horrible nightmare to be over.

"Juvia thinks it's over for you!" she screamed as she sent a new move she has been working on.

"Water wave freeze!..." Juvia sent a wave of water flooding the ground submerging his feet and legs, once reaching the top of his hips it freezes his lower half. Frost goes up his body paralyzing him.

"Now the last child will be returning soon.... I'm done with this nightmare. With you, and with this stupid curse." she says, as her magic quickly depletes and she falls onto one knee.


"Levy... what is coming from here eyes? that...-"

"Blood" levy continues his sentence.

Gray clenched his fists in anger. Seeing her like that makes him mad.


Deloria pinned juvia down when she wasn't looking, and told her something you never want to hear.

" could Gray possibly love you when you killed his father.."

"N-no Gray-sama said it was ok..he sai-"

"Oh thats what they all say my dear..that's what they all say..that's what they all say.."

The last child is returning. She forgot about him. Wow did he take his time.

She looked at him. The demon...the one that caused her so much pain.

He mumbles words only Juvia can hear.

"Even though you defeated me... doesn't mean I'm gone for good. I will always be in you dreams... in your nightmares." he says with a wicked grin on his face.

Juvia is sitting there staring at her knees. She looks up at the demon for one last time and sees him start to get bigger. Like he's gonna explode.

He smiles one last time sending chills down her back and explodes, sending guts, blood, skin and bones everywhere. Especially all over Juvia. The blood mixes with her blood and cuts, burns them raw she hisses in pain.

She screams in horror and pain as blood, guts, bones and skin are spread all over her. She is disgusted. She cries. Seeing her tears were still blood.

welll....First I was late on the chapter and now I'm updated with a short chapter...way to go Blinn....what a shame....well hope ye enjoyed..

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