October 3, 2013

22 0 1

I hate that I had to wake up at 4 am but all well I just can't wait to see Dacoda! We r going to the haunted prison and then the mound! Yesterday Dacoda asked if I would sit with him on the bus with Ashton, Luke, Curtis, Shannon, Olivia, Jonathan and other friends of ours of course I said yea because I thought it would be fun and I might not sleep threw the whole thing.


Ok it too early for this just kidding but if I wanted to I could use Dacoda as a pillow. But when I got out of my dad's cool 2008 mustang I saw Dacoda waiting for me!!! It was funny tho because we were both wearing blue and we didn't even plan it!!! But we walked on the bus and I was to lazy to look for a seat and I know he would want to be close to Ashton I sat in the second seat on the right side but what sucked is that we were behind the teachers :/. But we sat there anyway. Ok now it's like almost 7 and we r almost there but we r going to go to Mc Donald's to get breakfast. Then when I was talking to Ashton and Luke, Dacoda just kissed me out of no where!!!! I didn't know what to do it was my first REAL kiss!!! I just sat there thinking what in the world just happened. Did it happen on accident? Or was it for real?

When he was done I just couldn't help but laugh at Ashton's face but after that I couldn't stop smiling!!! I felt all weird and happy go lucky inside. Then almost 10 mins later he kissed me AGAIN!!! But that time I knew it wasn't an accident... it was for real!!! He must really love me I thought in my head as his soft lips pressed against mine. Then we got to Mc Donald's but I wasn't hungry because I ate at home. So I stayed on the bus messing around like running back and forth on the bus and making faces at Dacoda while he waited his turn to go in.

He finally came back but he didn't have as much as I thought. All he had was a ice tea and a biscuit but he didn't eat the biscuit right away. but all well he can eat when he wants to. Now every one is on the bus with happy Tummy's filled with coffee.

When we got there to the prison the teachers told us to hold hands so we won't get lost but they were only joking but Dacoda and I took that as a chance to hold hands threw the whole day. when the teachers saw us and the laughed and we said that we listen. So they let us because they really didn't care because we were both "good" kids.

In the prison!!!

When we got in it was kinda weird with all the do hickeys. But I felt safe with Dacoda with me holding my hand. When they let us walk around the prison with a tour guide they let us go inside the jail cells and OMG it was scary because they LOCKED US IN IT. But Dacoda was holding me from be find making me fell safe so I just laughed at my friends in the cell with us because they were screaming there heads off even the guys! Then they let us out and walk around some more and I thought some parts were scary because i got cold chills for a sec and then it went away then came back like it was following me! But I was with Dacoda the whole time.

Time for the mound!!!

When we got to the mound we had to go up like 100 stars lol and it was hot and it was not fun. after that we went inside and looked at all the artifacts and stuff then we got to shot arrows but I didn't want to because the rode was bigger than me :( lol. But I told Dacoda he could but he wanted to stay with me so we just sat in the grass cuddling and watching our friends fail. But some people were yelling at Dacoda because he kissed me the third day of us dating but he didn't care but I'm like the "baby" in the 8th grade because I'm sweet, small and cute so I can understand why they r protective.

Going home :(

When we were heading home me and Dacoda kisses 10 million times lol and we cuddled while I tooled at the clouds. Then it rained and I looked for a rainbow which there was 2!!!! When we got back to the school it was dark and while i was waiting for my dad, Dacoda let me meet his mom and she was very nice and sweet but i already knew that because i meet her when Dacoda and I were in WV All-state Childrens Chorus together. But then my dad showed up and Dacoda walked me to my car and i introduced him to my dad and i knew he had to be nevous but i think he did well because he shook hands with my dad. But after he talked to my dad i told him i will see him tomorrow and we hugged then i went in my car.

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