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(Raven Pov)

It was just a normal day in titans tower. Starfire playing with silkie, Cyborg, Beastboy and Robin playing video games while I sit reading my book. Starfire then flew over and asked, "Friend Raven do u wish to do the paint of one nails?" Then I replied, "no". Starfire looked a little disappointed but she said, "then perhaps we can do the make over?" Then from the couch I hear Beastboy laugh, "Come on Rae, I think everyone wants to see u with a little lipstick on!" Then all of the boys laughed. I knew they liked to tease me but I wasn't in the mood for it so I rolled my eyes and stood up then went to my room to finish my book. But as i was about to leave, the mission alarm went off and Slade was on the screen, he was at the warehouse shipment plant. "TITANS GO!" Robin yelled and we all went to the ware house.

(Beastboy Pov)

When we all arrived at the warehouse I heard Cyborg say, "which one is it...?"
"Leave it to me!" I replied. I morphed into a blood hound and started to sniff around. In no time I led the titans to ware house 24. I morphed back into my human self and said," he's in there" "good work Beastboy" Robin said. And after that Cyborg blasted down the door revealing Slade holding this odd looking cube with carving in it. "Well titans we meet yet again".


Raven Pov

My eyes widen as I stared at the artifact . I've read that in a book before, inside it contains dark magic, and if u some how make the artifact work it's supposed to make u go inside someone else mind, and see secrets, it's kinda like my mirror I thought but if Slade steals that he could learn all of our secrets! As I was in mid thought I heard robin yell, "TITANS GO!". Cyborg started to blast at Slade and then his henchmen came out. I used my powers to pick up boxes and I threw them at the henchmen when the boxes hit them I saw the wires and metal sticking out then I yelled "there just robots!" Everyone started to fight with all of there strength they had. So I went after Slade as he fled to the exit.

Beastboys Pov

As I morphed into a lion and destroyed the robots who were stacking me I noticed Raven wasn't anywhere to be seen. I looked at the other titans who were fighting, they seem to be winning to I decided to look for Raven. As I looked around I eventually found her and Slade fighting. As Raven was about to attack Slade kicked her down to the ground. He then came up to her and said, "nice try my dear...but I'll be taking this with me today..." I transformed into a rhino and head butted Slade against the wall and yelled, "Leave her alone Slade!" "very impressive Beastboy but let's see how u handle this!" Slade ran up to me and punched me right in the stomach and then threw me against the wall. I morphed into a bear and swatted Slade to the ground like he was nothing I then scooped him up and threw him at the crates. He then got up and acted like I didn't do anything to him and he chuckled "very good Beastboy but I will have that artifact soon enough...and maybe her..." he said that as he looked at Raven. I growled ready to defend her but then he stepped back into the shadows and disappeared .I shook my head and ran over to Raven "are u alright?" I said "Yeah I'll be fine..." Raven replied as she looked up and him as I held her in my arms. Wow look at her eyes...I've never noticed how beautiful they are...wait a minute what am I thinking, I thought to myself and I began to help Raven up. The others then came into the room, "r u guys ok?" Cyborg said as he walked over to us. "yeah were fine" I said and robin went over and picked up the artifact "what is this thing...and where is Slade? "He got away" I said. Then Raven said "he may have gotten away but it's better that we have this artifact...I know what it is and what it does...but we should head back to the tower... I'll explain when we get back" She said the others nodded and started to go back to the T-car When I looked at Raven she did her half smile and she said "thank you" I noticed her cheek we a little red but then I said "n-no problem and we both followed the others with the artifact in our possession.

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