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Please turn on the music I prepare for each chapter to enjoy this book better. Music has an amazing power, it can make a story sound x10 better. So please do turn on the music in each chapter. It takes me a while to choose a music for each chapter that goes well with the story, and I'd really appreciate it if you actually do turn them on <3 Thank you and I hope you enjoy this book <3


A dark frosty night.

Windless, but icy snowflakes from an undiscovered place set the world wild.

It had been ages since the school bell rang, but yet, sounds could be heard.

A classroom. Unsupervised. Filled with screams in horror. Weak whimpers of pain.

And that's where I met you.

It wasn't my intention. I didn't mean to step in the school ground so late in the evening.

I needed to get my books from my desk.

But I walked past your classroom. And I could hear.

I was curious. I was worried. I didn't know what was going on.

But I knew there was someone in that room who was desperate in need for help.

I really didn't mean to burst into the room like that. My body just acted without my intention.

I didn't want to get involved in a fight.

But when I saw you in the corner, crying your heart out, surrounded by a group of people, bruises and cuts everywhere, your fragile fingers trembling so hard, I lost it.

I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't have a reason. I was lost.

But I did have one thing in my mind.

I had to get you out of that place.

K.T.H FF | Gone [Short] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now