She's Home

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   "One more thing, Abby." Emma stopped her. "Almost all he dreams about nowadays is memories of you. He doesn't sleep a lot, because it makes him sad to see you." 

Abby walked down the staircase that Emma had pointed to. 

     Horace stood there, looking at a wall that was covered in gunk. He wore a black suit, and black top hat.

    "Horace?" She whispered. He kept his back to her as he said "Not now Emma."
Abby walked towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm not Emma."

He turned around and she gasped at his face. He still had blonde hair, but it was greasy, and he had huge bags under his eyes. His eyes were blank and shiny with tears.

Horace POV

"Abby." I breathed. "Is it you, or did I die and go to heaven?"
Abby smiled at me. "You're very much alive, and I am too."

I rested my forehead against hers and stared at her.
"Are you really Abby?" I whispered.

   "I am. You picked out a long sleeve dress for me on the first day that I met you." She confirmed softly.

    My eyes overflowed with tears and I started crying. I tilted my head and kissed her.

  My beautiful Abby, who we thought we lost was back, is standing right in front of me. Kissing me, she was alive.

Hey guys!
I'm back from my lent. I missed you guys a lot.
I wrote this and the last chapter. Now there's an opportunity for a sequel, but decide that after you read the next chapter

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