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€•¥~Demetrie prov~€•¥

"I lost her"

Don't kill him! Can't kill him he's my cousin and future beta. I reminded my self.

"You what?" I growled out. My fist clenched. I just had to remind myself that I couldn't kill him, the hard part was keeping my wolf under control he didn't care that Ryan was my cousin all he saw was the person who let his mate escape.

"She's gone " he answered again his eyes finally meeting mine. That was the last straw. I couldn't kill him but that didn't mean I couldn't beat him till he was black and purple. I launched myself at him tackling him to the ground while I repeatedly punched him in the face while some of my uncle Shane's pack members tried to get me off of him.

"That's enough Demetrius Alexander Bradley !" My mother lectured doing what 3 grown men couldn't do and pulled me off of my cousin. I growled at her about to launch back at Ryan but she stood in my way.

"My Mate! He let her get away! He lost my mate!" I growled at her barring my canines. She slapped me,

"Don't you dare growl at me Demetrius Alexander Bradley. You have no right to be angry at your cousin. If you had been a good mate you wouldn't have a mate who is terrified of you. A mate who you physically harmed! Maybe then she wouldn't have felt the need to run away from you " her words where nothing but the truth which made them hurt so much more. instead of shutting up like I should have done I lashes out at her.

"Is that why you ran away from Dad" I shot back and she raised her hand up to slap me again but didn't instead she turned away and started walking towards the jet. That hurt more, not only had I hurt my mate but now my mother as well.

The reason why I kidnapped my mate was so she wouldn't be able to get away or be taken away from me. This feeling only intensified when I realized that she was human. Humans weren't as affected as wolfs when it came to the mate bond. Seeing her at the party with that guy made it worst. I had to physically restrain myself from ringing his neck. I hadn't planned to take her that night. I was going over to that house to talk to the rouges never did I imagine that my beautiful fragile human mate lived their. Rouges where dangerous. I had to save her from them.

"I'm sorry mom" I apologized half way thrush the flight. The guilt i felt was eating me alive, I knew that mom leaving dad was a sore spot for both of them and I felt like a complete asshole for bringing it up.

"It's not me you should be apologizing to" She stated putting her fashion magazine down. I knew she was referring to Ryan and I would apologize as soon as my mate was back in my arms.

"What if I never see her again?" I asked sitting down in the chair facing her resting my elbows on my knees and holding my head in my hands.

"Oh you'll see her alright. I'm sure of that." She answered placing her hand on my knee.

"How can you be so sure mom?" I asked her hope blossoming in my chest.

"You'll just have to wait until we get to the pack house to find out. I have a suspicion" she answers once again before going back to ignoring me..


My dad was pissed off. Not only had he put us through challenging physical training but as an additional punishment we had to clean every window and bathroom in the pack house. We would also be stuck training the newly shifted wolfs and doing extra patrolling. I was still counting my blessings as far as i saw it we were left off pretty easy.

I had been 3 days without my Mate. I was going crazy. She was human what if something happened to her. The only comfort I had was knowing that she had money for food since she had practically taken all of the money in Ryan wallet.

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