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A/N: Thank you rainbowsraging for your betaing skills <3

“How long will he need for the last few steps?” Mark asks curiously and lays his head on Mason’s shoulder.

“I don’t know what his problem is…” Mason’s answers and starts to film his other boyfriend, who is desperate to finish the little parcours with the VR glasses. Just a little step down and a few steps forward and he would be done, but for some reason he’s tried and pulled his foot back again for a few minutes now. Although an employee is standing right in front of him to guide him, he can’t overcome his fear.

“I’m scared,” Scott whines and places his foot on the little path downstairs again, just to pull it back a split second later.

Mason has to laugh, not a wicked laugh, but it is adorable that his tall, strong, confident and sometimes a little cocky boyfriend is getting scared of something he knows isn’t real.

“It’s scary…” Scott whimpers again and takes a step back onto the platform, away from the edge. Mason waits for a few seconds, but since Scott doesn’t make any attempts to try again, he stops filming and gives Mark his phone.

“I’ll be right back,” Mason whispers with a kiss on Mark’s cheek. He gently pushes the employee aside, murmuring a soft “Excuse me”. He stops right in front of the little step and reaches a hand for Scott.

“Come here, princess, I’ll guide you, come here,” Mason says as calmly and affectionately as possible; he's waiting for Scott to grope blindly for him, while Scott whispers a quiet “Daddy?”. Mason catches his hand and hold it tight, giving Scott something to steady himself.

“I’ll help you, just a few steps, then we are done,” Mason promises and Scott comes closer to the edge again.

But now, with Mason’s hand holding him, Scott isn’t scared. He’s safe.

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