Chapter 1

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Hi! Before I jump right into the story let me just say that I've wrote some stories before. But I could never finish it because it just seemed boring to me. I'm gonna try my hardest to write this book and make it good. But I'll need a little help. So, please feel free to comment and say what you think should be added or fixed!!


He's here.. standing right in front of me after leaving for a year.. waiting all this time to see him. To see his face. To hear his voice in person.  And now I can.. I can finally kiss those lips and hug his warm body that I've missed so damn much.  Because he's here now. And i won't ever let him leave again.


I wake up, well shit it was just a dream.. I've been waiting for a almost a year now for him to come back. 

Let me catch you up here.. About 3 years ago I moved to the sunny state of south Florida. I started a new school not even after a week of being here. In simple words, it sucked.. BIG TIME. But, when I started getting to know everyone here it didn't seem so bad anymore. I met my two best friends here. I really wouldn't know what to do with out them. 

"OMG, Emma! I swear to the good lord above, if you do not get your happy little yet big ass down here I WILL leave you!" said- well yelled Jackson from my kitchen. 

I walk, well I ran down the steps almost falling on the last step like every other morning. I'm a bit clumsy. 

"Well maybe if YOU didn't call to wake me up so late i'd be done already." I say walking in to the kitchen. 

And  there he is ladies. Jackson Smith, no shirt and sitting on my kitchen table eating MY cookies!

"Get your nasty flat ass off my table. And stop eating MY food!" I say to my best friend who jumps off my table and puts my cookies up real quick. 

"Whatever, anyways.. I um, tried to call you last night. But, you didn't answer.." Jackson says slowly.

"Must have been in the shower or asleep already. What did you need? I mean besides a life." i say smiling and walking over to get me a glass of water. 

"Well, um Anderson came back last night.." 

"Anderson came back" 

That's all I kept hearing in my head. He's back. Then it hit me. 

I dropped my glass without even realizing it. He's back..? Why? And what does this mean for me? For us? Will there be an us this time? Do I want an us this time? What about Tyler...?

"Emma! Are you okay?" Jackson asks, rushing over to my side.

"Shit, um ya I just uh.. Yeah, I'm great.. Shit." I say bending down to pick up the glass.

"Emma don't. I'll get it. You just go lay down. We'll stay here today. Mom's okay with it. She knows." Jackson says slowly.

I walk up to my room and look around. All the pictures of us are everywhere. My first two years of high school. It was him.. He made me happy. He made me fall in love with him.. After two full years together he just left me.. He left his family. And now he thinks he can just show up again? Lord please help me.. Don't let me fall for him again.. I can't take that.. My heart can't take that. Not again. 

Oh gosh.. What about Tyler..

WOW!! First chapter you guys!! I really hope you guys like this book.. I know one chapter and i'm already hoping you like it. Please feel free to comment your opinions!! 

Thank you for reading!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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