Chapter 10: Best Friend Vs Demon Friend

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Here it is!! Hope you enjoy!~
Sorry for the long wait. I was sick....

*GASP* *Cough cough* *cough cough* *cough cough* Shu and Keyshi cough off water from their mouth. But... Where are they???...
*Pant pant* "I think we lost him?" Keyshi look at the stream they fell in. Guessing they're in a forest. Somewhere...
"And no way to go back either. We need to-" Keyshi got hit by a rock on the back of his head.
"OWW!!! What was that for!?!!!!" Keyshi yelled at Red Eye and rubs his aching head.
"That for slapping!!!" Red Eye yelled back.
"You're still holding about that!? Stop being such a big baby!!!"
"What did you just call me!?!" Red Eye growled and  tighten his fist.
"Wahh, wahh, wahh!!! I'm a big baby!" Keyshi was mocking and teasing Red Eye.
"THAT'S IT!!!" Red Eye tackle and started rolling and fighting Keyshi.
"Wow, you call yourself a blader!? You're fighting just like a girl!!" Keyshi insulted Red Eye and rolled around on the ground.
"Oh, you call yourself a demon!? You're not even trying to be evil!!!" Red Eye insulted back and he was at top of Keyshi.
Keyshi rolled and now he was at top of Red Eye.
"I'm not EVIL!!!! Have you looked into a mirror!?!" Keyshi was being sassy but true.
Red Eye rolled and now he was at top of Keyshi.
"Shut up, demon! You're just tricking me and letting my guard down!!!" Red Eye growled and not letting his guard down.
"Hahahaha.... Wow, you're extremely stupid you know that!.." Keyshi laugh and glare at Red Eye.
"No, I'm not!!!" Red Eye wasn't stupid and not believing what that demon is saying.
"Oh, really....... You're easy to get trick. Like seriously, you're being someone puppet and then become a jerk like Lui Shirasagi." Keyshi was having a good point about that.
Red Eye grabs Keyshi's shirt collar and hit him on the ground and lift him back up looking at him eye to eye.
"Don't you DARE say I'm alike with LUI!!!" Red Eye growled and glare at him.
"You're right........ You already are one!" Keyshi glare and growled back.
"GRRRRRR!!!!!" Red Eye blood was boiling and they started to fight violently and pulling each others hair.
"What so special about power!?!" Keyshi ask and pulling Red Eye's hair hard.
"Power is the most powerful thing to finally defeat my enemies!!!" Red Eye pulls Keyshi's hair too.
"More important than a friend!?!" Keyshi kept on pulling Red Eye's hair.
"YES!!!" Red Eye growled.
"Wow, you are such a m- wait... Friend.... Where's Valt!?!?!" Keyshi just realize Valt wasn't next to them. Where is he!?!? They both get up and look around for Valt.
"Where did he go!?!!!" Question Red Eye.
"I don't know!?! We were both unconscious!!!"
"This is all your fault!!" Red Eye points Keyshi and blame him.
"Oh, no, no, no... Technically this is your fault, you Copycat!!!"
"I AM NOT A COPYCAT!!!!" Red Eye roar and tackle Keyshi to the ground again.
"YES, YOU ARE!!!" Keyshi yelled and both of them rolled around the ground and fighting again.
"NO, I'M NOT!!!!!"
"YES, YOU ARE!!!!!"
"NO, I'M NOT!!!!!!!"
"YES, YOU ARE!!!!!!!"
NO, I'M NOT!!!!!!!!!!"
"What are you two doing???....." Said a familiar childish voice.
Keyshi and Red Eye turn their head and  look at Valt standing right their holding berries.
"Where were you!!!???" Keyshi was worrying like a mother lost her child from a mall.
"Getting some berries to eat... And what are you two actually doing???..." Valt points and swirls his finger and look at them confuse.
Red Eye and Keyshi were in a very awkward position. They look at each other and blush a little and get off from each other and never speak of this ever again.
"Valt, who is he!?" Red Eye point at Keyshi and wanted to know how does Valt knows him.
"Wait... You can see him?!" Valt was surprise.
"Wait, you can hear and see me!?!" Keyshi was surprise too and look at Red Eye.
"Yes..... Why are you surprise!?!" Red Eye narrow his eyebrows and question is Keyshi being stupid?
"Will... No one can't see me. Like I'm invisible or imaginer, only Valt can see me. How can you see me???" Question Keyshi and looking at Red Eye suspiciously.
"I have no idea...??? But who are you!?! And how do you know, Valt?!!" Red Eye wants some answers right now.
*Sign* "Ok, Shu... This is Keyshi. Keyshi this is Shu." Valt introduce Keyshi to Shu.
"Keyshi is my friend and also my Akuma." He smile.
"Your what!!???" Red Eye was shock, Valt have a demon. But his so innocent.
"That's right! And his my yūjin!" Keyshi hugged Valt form the back protectively and stick his tongue at Red Eye without Valt knowing.
"💢 Grrrrrr!!!!" Red Eye growled in his thoughts. He feels like his heart was on fire and storm clouds together making a hateful punch. Was he feeling angry, sad, or........ Jealous???
"He was my first friend when I was very little." Valt explains more about Keyshi.
"Hold on... I was your friend first when we were little???" Question Red Eye.
Valt didn't told him about Keyshi when they were little at all. Red Eye thought he was his first friend.
"Hmmm...... Actually, I don't remembered.... And I never remembered meeting a Shu Kurenai when I was little either??..." Valt was being clueless.
"What!!!? How do you-!!"
Red Eye got interrupted by Keyshi and he whispers something in his ear.
"............Really?...." Red Eye look at him.
Keyshi nod.
"Did you-" Red Eye glare at him.
"No......" Keyshi narrow his eyebrows.
"That will explains Valt weird behavior... How did he-"
"No, idea? I'm clueless as you..."
The sound of someone stomach growled in hunger.
"Hehehe......" Valt laughs awkwardly and sweat drop as he scratch the back of his head.
"Same old, same old, Valt...."
"Same old, same old, Valt...."
Red Eye frown and close his eyes like are you serious right now and Keyshi just smile and close his eyes too and sweat drop.
"Sorry.... I'm just hungry... I go eat the berries I brought." Valt turn around and grabs one of the berries he brought back from the forest.
Red Eye and Keyshi's eyes widened and speechless at the same time.
"Valt, you have- Hm!!!"
Keyshi cover Red Eye's mouth in time.
"Hm!?!" Valt turn his head around and look at them.
"You two say something???" Valt ask.
"No... We're all good... Yeah....." Keyshi look at Red Eye and give him a lip sink shaking his head no and said no without making a sound. With his eyes widened and panicked a little.
"Oh.... Ok...." Valt turns around and eat the berries.

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