A day in a rebel's high heels

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'But mom everyone from school will be attending the homecoming dance.' Moana pleaded while her mother were busy washing the dishes.

'I don't know how your father will feel about this. You are supposed to the grounded since we caught you smoking again and have a new tattoo.' Sina spoke over her shoulder at Moana. 'But we can talk to dad when he gets home from the council meeting tonight.'

'Thanks, mom.' Moana helped dry the cleaned dishes then head to her room to do her homework. I start doing my marine biology homework and there were a lot's of math, it's was a nightmare. When my homework were done I climb out of the window and sat on the roof at the back of the house looking at the ocean while I have a smoke. I wonder if Eric even noticed me today. I gave him his English homework. Ariel will probably have one of her Atlantic fits when she finds out that I want to go to the dance with Eric. My phone rang and I pulled it from my torn black jeans pocket.

'Hello.' I answered as I blew out a lung full of smoke.

'Moana, it's Eric can you talk.' He asked and I thought my heart is going to make a backflip. He is so much hotter and more of a gentleman, then Charming can only dream to be.

'Sure, how can I help you?' I asked as I lay down and dream of him while I lay back on the roof.

'I was wondering if you would like to go to the dance with me?'

'Really? You don't want to take Ariel to it, she is after all your girlfriend?'

'No, I broke up with her a week ago. She's so clingy and jealous and also couldn't take a hint when I told her we're broken up.'

'I would love to go with you Eric the thing is I am grounded because my parents found me smoking.'

'I can talk to them for you if you like.'

'Eric you are awesome, but my father is a hard head when it comes to breaking rules. I'll see what I can do tonight and let you know later.'

'Cool. Because I really want to go with you.'

'I would really like to go with you.' I took a lung full of smoke.

'You know I want to thank you for doing my English for me. My with football and baseball practice I don't have any time to breath anymore.'

'Is it really what you want to do then?' I asked blowing the smoke from my mouth.

'No, it's my father and uncle's idea for me to play both sports. I would really like to go into law when I get into college.'

'That is so awesome Eric. Then why don't you tell them that it is what you want to do and maybe you can change biology class to government class.' I suggest as I kill my cigaret on the roof.

'Now that sounds nice.' He sounds so lonely right now.

'Moana?!' Mom called from downstairs.

'Eric I see what I can do about going to the dance but right now I have to go my mom is calling me.'

'Of course, go on ahead. We'll talk later.'

'Yes, we will. Bye.' We hung up and ran down to where mom was busy with dinner.

'Yes, ma'am.' I walked to her.

'I've talked to dad and we think we might have been too hard on you. We know to quit smoking can be hard once you've started. Dad knows this more than most.'

'What are you trying to say, mom?' I sat at the kitchen table.

'That you are no longer grounded and you can go to the dance.'

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