Chapter Seventeen

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I tried. I did. These chapters should get significantly better next week because I won't be writing them so late when I'm so tired. Maybe that's why the characters are tired lol it's all i can think about... anyway this is super short and everything but enjoy it i guess...


Well Sherlock had wanted to try cooking but they didn’t have any milk. Sherlock was going try to cook dinner but John had thrown a fit and refused to get milk. Sometimes that man made no sense. Did he just want to get take out for the rest of his life? One of them was going to have to learn to cook one of these day… but not if they didn’t have milk. It had been two days since Sherlock’s last case and he was already contemplating cooking? He yawned. Apparently a thirty minute nap on the couch was not enough for the detective who had been up for the past three days (with one or two cat naps). He rubbed his eyes and got up. He didn’t exactly have a sleeping schedule (especially while on a case, or right after one) so he’d probably wake up at 4AM or something. Slowly he made his way towards his room. His door was closed, John must’ve closed it at some point. He yawned again as he reached for the door handle. Almost silently, it turned and almost as silently, Sherlock opened his bedroom door. There was a passed out John on his bed. Sherlock sighed.  The doctor was on his side in the middle of the bed. Sherlock reached over and poked his back. John just moaned and turned over so that he was more on his own side. Sherlock shrugged, this would work. He kicked off his trousers and unbuttoned his shirt. He slipped into a clean T-shirt and crawled into bed, on his own side. John would probably throw some kind of fit in the morning but Sherlock didn’t really care at that point. It wasn’t like he’d done something to John in his sleep. And John was the one in the wrong bed, not Sherlock. And John refused to get milk. And John was kind of cute when he was sleeping… Sherlock pushed this thought (as well as other John related thoughts) out of his mind, hoping he could sleep. He heard John snore a bit and smiled. Maybe he should’ve just used John’s bed, he would never get to sleep with John snoring adorably next to him all night.

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