Chapter 4

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The scarlet hair woman was walking down the the town of Kouka until she came across a bar. 'Kouka-bar huh? Sounds interesting.' The scarlet hair woman walked in, there she notices several glare and stares coming towards her. But she continue to walk in without being concerned, she then sat down at the counter looking at the menu curiously.

"May I have 1 bowl of yakisoba and some sake?" Asked the scarlet-haired woman. "Of course ma'm, give me a moment." Replied the bartender.

As the bartender return to give the scarlet-hair woman her order, the scarlet-haired woman overhears some travelers talking about the new king by saying, "I heard that he was a bloodthirsty king who is willing to do anything to gain power, even if it means to sacrifice his own soldiers." Said one of the travelers. "I also heard he haves a shallow smile with deep piercing eyes and evil mind." Replied the other traveler with a uncertain voice.

'They don't even know what there saying, I've seen the king before...' Muttered the scarlet-haired woman in disgusted.


High up into the air was the princess and the green-haired dragon Jeaha. "You know, I have a good feeling about the scarlet-haired warrior that Ik-Soo talked about." Said the crimson-haired princess in a accepting and calm voice. "Is that so..."

Below the area where the green-haired dragon just jump, was a marksman seeking for food. The desperate marksmen was looking up into the sky and notice a strange figure, he then raise his bow and arrow up into the sky, aiming for the strange figure thinking it was food.


"We're almost there my lady."

"Watch out!!" Cried out the crimson-haired princess.

A rapid long silver arrow was flying towards the green-haired dragon and the princess. The green-haired dragon Jeaha tried to dodge the flying arrow, but he end up losing his balance and fell.

Little did they know the place they fell down to was the rooftop of the same bar the scarlet-haired woman was.

"Ouch, what was that?" Asked the crimson-haired princess.

"I don't know, some idiot shot a arrow at us I suppose. Your not hurt right my lady?'

"No... " Said the crimson-haired princess.   As she look around she notice that the green-haired dragon was bleeding out of his leg.

"Oh no Jaeha your bleeding!" Exclaimed the princess as she look at him concerned.

"How would this happen, haha." Said the green-haired dragon sounding absurd.

The crimson-haired princess Yona try to help the green-haired dragon Jeaha get up, but little did the two know, that the roof was gonna collapse.


'What the hell was that?' Muttered Erza as she looked around. 


The scarlet hair woman got suspicious and turn her head up to the rooftop to take a look.

"Ma'm is everything al-"


The scarlet-haired woman manage to jump away from the crash before it landed on her. There it was a green-haired dragon and a crimson-haired girl who fell from the rooftop. The crimson-haired princess landed on top of the green-haired dragon. The crimson haired princess then notice she was on top of him, so she got up quickly.

"Ouch my head..." Groaned the green-haired dragon in pain.

"Jeaha are you alright." Said the crimson-haired princess in a worried voice.

"I'm fine, but most importantly are you ok kid?" Replied the green-haired dragon as he slowly got up.

"Uh... Who are you guys." Replied the scarlet-haired woman, as she was gazing at both of the 2 mortals in front of her.

"Scarlet red hair..." Muttered the crimson-haired princess as she gaze at the scarlet-haired woman in awe. "I'm Yona and this is one of my companions Jeaha. We've been looking for you."

'So their the one huh?' Amused, the scarlet-haired woman replied. "So your the one looking for me?"

"Wait you knew we were coming to find you?" Asked the green-haired dragon.

"Yup, I knew you guys were looking for me when I came to this world... So should I be going with you?" Replied Erza.

"Yes! We would be honored to have you." said the crimson-haired princess, smiling widely and extending her hand to the beautiful scarlet-haired warrior.

To Be Continued....

Here it is! Chapter 4! Sorry for making you guys wait, so long hopefully you enjoy this chapter, I had a lot of fun writing it. Anyways, I will try to update chapter 5 as soon as possible. Comment some ideas you want to see next chapter.

Until next time~

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