My mother arrived moments later as the firefighters extinguished the smoldering blaze. Well, fortunately it was confined to a small area in the attic. "Is everyone alright?" She asked looking between Zayn who's carrying Phoebe in his arms and i while cradling Doris in my arms.

"Yeah, we're fine. Thanks to Mr. Perez and Zayn." I said looking over at Zayn who gave short nod along with a pat on the back.

My mother sighed. "As long everyone's alright, thats for sure."

"Excuse me, Ma'am?"

Our attention was turned towards the fire chief, Captain Reynolds, who's coming up to my mother. "There was little actual fire damage," He told her. "But the things in your attic suffered major smoke damage. I hope you didn't have too many valuable things up there."

My mother shook her head blankly.

"The bedroom directly under the attic had some water damage," said the captain.

"It figures," I grumbled, standing next to my mother with Doris in my arms. "Thats my room."

"I had one horrifying moment," Captain Reynolds admitted. " I thought I found a dead child in the middle of the attic, I swore my heart ended up in my throat. Then i saw it was only a big doll."


"Um, sir. I put that doll in a wooden box in the corner. Theres no way he could have ended up in the middle of the attic floor." I said.

"Well, thats where i found him." Captain Reynolds pointed to a firefighter who was carrying Donny. "Look, there's the doll now. We thought you'd probably want him. He's a lucky doll. Not a mark on him -- and he was right in the middle of the fire. Isn't that something?"

Neither my mother and myself couldn't believe what we've just heard.

Is this a dream? Could i possibly be dreaming right now?

The fireman who carried over the doll tried to hand him over to my mother and myself, but neither of us made any effort to take it. Thats when Phoebe squirmed in Zayn's arm wanting to get down and he did. She held out her arms towards the fireman. "Donny!" She exclaimed.

"No!" My mother yelled. "You can't have him!"

"B-But mummy-"

"I said no!" she yelled again before turning back to the captain. "We don't want him!"

A neighbor who ran an antiques store, Mrs. Parker, stepped forward from the crowd that had gathered on the sidewalk. "Excuse me, Johannah. Are you sure you don't want the doll? Because if you don't, i'll be glad to take it and put it in my shop." She said.

My mother snatched the doll from the fireman and practically shoved it into Mrs. Parker's arms. "You want want him? You got him! I don't ever want to see him again!"

Mrs. Parker's eyes lit up. "Thank you. Thank you very much."

"Well, ma'am, we can't figure out how the started," Captain Reynolds told my mother. "We saw nothing to indicate the cause. Obviously, we'll investigate further."

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