letter #1

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letter number one.

first meeting.

it was the middle of october. the 16th, to be exact.

i still remember all of this as if it just happened yesterday.

back then my parents just had a fight - again.

but this fight is not lime before.

usually after they fight, i would find my mum

with hoarse voice caused by her screaming to dad.

but this time, i found scattered vases, plates,

and so many other things thats only left as memory.

i was so tired with all of this.

i - a boy who just stepped on 17 years of living for 3 weeks,

had to be a witness of all of this.

i jumped from a window from the 2nd floor of my house.

i landed perfectly.

then i started running.

every step i take, i feel like the rain only gets bigger and bigger.

(and, yes, it was raining. because it's chicago we're talking about)

i needed to escape.

splashes of water caused by my steps kept on getting

to my brown-ish jeans.

my breath got caught, so i stopped a while.

i squinted my eyes to across the street

and saw a park.

thats when i saw you.

sitting alone at the chair.

to be honest, at first, i thought you were a looney.

i mean, what kind of creature sits calmly in the middle

of a park when it's obvious thats theres a rain around her?

weird, i muttered.

your dark brown hair was already damped,

not leaving a tray of hair dry.

you were wearing your favourite blue sweater.

your blue sweater that its size is like 2 times your body.

there you were looking down, but your face was still

caught by me.

for five minutes solid, i stared at you.

even though that time i thought you were weird,

i still thought that you were the prettiest girl on earth.

and that - my dear - is how i saw you for the first time.

chocolate & kisses,

Kyre x


hi guys! i made a promise i wud publish this on June 20th and here I am!

dont forget to comment, share, vote, follow (ifb if u ask)

everything that u guys do means the whole world to me.

hope you guys like this, i got a big plot alrdy for this!

and check my other stories aswell.

bye!ily all!!

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