"Ashton Keigh!, you're late...AGAIN!" Mr. Birish reprimands him, " I'm aware of the fact sir,now if you would please calm down that woud be greatly appreicited!" That earns a laugh from me and the entire class,it wasn't that funny. But iit was said with enough attitude to turn the teachers face red with anger. " Just go take your seat,please, Mr.Keigh." He saunters over to his seat which happens to be right next to me, (if you'rewndering,yes,we do have assigned seats in this high school.) He looks over at m and chuckles lightly as if i told him a horrible knock knock joke. *FLASHBACK* "Class we have a new student in room 315B, His name is AShton Keigh and he came from South Carolina, everyon be nice and respectful to him! Ashton you can sit over there by Mariah T. in the corner of the room, Ok?" The kid named Ashton lookedd over at Mrs. Kilian as if she had 5 heads and counting. " You want me to sit over there? Next to that witchy looking thing? I wouuld rather go to Mercury with no space helmet!Lemme sit next to that hottie over there."Ashton pointed at me with a smirk on his face, a blush made its way tomy cheeks as he came and sat next to me and showed me a big toothy grin, " How ya doin?" "Mrs.Brushetti? MRS.BRUSHETTI?" i snapped out of my daze and looked up at Mr. Birish whose face was once again red from anger. "Yes Sir?" "What were you daydreaming about?" I couldn't possibly tell the entire class i was thinking about Ashton, everyone would laugh... "Umm..."