chapter 1

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Katie POV

*beep* *beep* *beep*

Ughhhhh, who is it,..... Oh its my alarm, but why is it buzzing. 4:30am... Why so early.... Wait...OMG I HAVE AN INTERVIEW TODAY, O MY GOSH! WHAT AM I GONNA WEAR!? WHAT KIND OF HAIRSTYLE AM GONNA MAKE!! UGH SO MUCH TO DO, Okay......Calm down Katie, calm down, First of all I'm going to take a shower.

After shower

Then what kind of clothes should I wear? Hmmm....  I went to my closet and look at the thousands of clothes I have, hmmm, I know! I took a pink blouse, and a small blue pencil skirt, and to finish it with a Magenta colored bow tie, I looked at my long mirror and saw myself, hmm, something's missing? Ah I know!! I took a headband and put it in my head, Perfect!!,

I went downstairs and greeted my Mom, Yumi and Dad Al.

"Hi Mom, Hi Dad!" I said to them with excitement "Oh good mornin sweetie, y'all want pancakes'? Ohhh Pancakes!! My favorite, oh wait... "Oh sorry mom, but I have an interview at 6:00am sharp" I said "No no no and no, Katie, you ain't leaving this house without breakfast, what if when you're interviewing, your tummy grumbles huh" I just rolled my eyes, "Alright! Alright! Jeez Mom, you don't want me to get fat right?" I joked "Your Mothers right Katie, big girls needs to eat" My father said while reading the news paper,

I sat down in the table and start eating fast, ughh why do I have to eat, I should be leaving!! "K mom, I'm done!" "Katie!?" My mom said while crossing her arms "Yeah?" I groaned "here" my mother said while handing me the files "Oh! I almost forgot! Thanks Mama!" I kissed my mom and dad "Be home early when your finished OK!?" My dad said while putting an arm around my mother "Yeah dad, Luv you both!" I said while running "BYE SWEETIE!!" They shouted and waved and I waved back.

Huh where's the building, Say's here in the card is PAW TECH, with a dogs paw symbol, "Where oh where are you?" I looked through my phone and type in the location I need, hmm, turn right, then go straight and take Twp lefts and your there.....OK sounds complicated, but be positive Katie! You can do it,

Buzz Buzz Buzz

What the, my phones alarm? 5:30am Omg!!!!! 30 minute's left I have to run fast! "okay first right then uhhhh" I said while looking at the directions "ughhh!! I think I'm lost!" Okay Katie, calm down, hmm how about I ask someone, I looked and saw a man besides me "uh hi sir!" I said "What do you want kid!?" The guy said while smoking, I got angry because...."How dare you say I'm a Kid!? I'm 25 sir, I was going to ask you some directions then you go with that attitude! You have no Respect!" I pouted and I ran of.

Finally! I'm here, and not a single spec of dirt in my blouse, I dusted of the tiny particles of dirt off my blouse and went to the elevator I looked at the time and saw 5:45 Great! I'm on time!, I pushed a button to the highest number which is the 30th floor "Wow! Such a big building!" I said and waited, 5minutes later and then the door open revealing a guy who is around my age, He has spikey brown hair, Chocolate eyes, and perfect skin colour, he was wearing a business suit completed with a red tie,  he was rushing so fast that he bumped to me, making my files scatter on the floor, "Oh sorry" I said "Im so clumsy!..." The guy just rolled his eyes and start talking  to his phone this guy? Bumps to me? And he gets annoyed? how dare he I was going to talk of how disrespectful he is until the elevator bell dinged,I was about to go first to leave when suddenly he ran through me and went to his office, causing me to fall along with my files, ".....ugh, what a d*ck" I mumbled, I took some of the files which is now a little bit dirty and then looked at my blouse, WHICH is now filthy"....I'm gonna murder that guy",

I went to a desk and ask a secretary and told her that where was the interview section, "Hi miss, My name is Ace Sorenson, and who you might be?" She said politely, Now thats a person who has respect, "Um Hi, My name is Katie Forrester, and I'm here for the interview of being the new assistant" I said, "Oh, Well, your in luck, the boss has a free schedule today" she said while looking at her computer, "Just go to that office over there" She said while pointing to a door which looked familiar though, I just shrugged it off and went to the office.

Ikr I'm a bad writer, tell me guys if you want to end this story but if no one comments though to end it I will still make it, rate me!! 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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