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Ever since my mother died my dad blames me and thinks it is necessary to beat me to teach me a lesson. I was over at my friends house playing basketball and I knew mom was cooking. I could also see our house just fine from where I was but, it all happened so fast I didn't have time to process before the house was nothing but ashes. The police said she left the stove on too high and then just left for a quick second. Then, the stove went up in flames and my mom did not hear the fire alarm so she died in the fire. When my dad came home he saw me outside and I told him what happened.  After that, we moved to California and I attend Voltron high like any other kid. Except unlike every other kid that goes to my school when I go home and I get a real good beating from my dad if I get home later than I say I will be home. So today I woke up sore from one of my father's worst lash outs. I got out of bed to begin getting ready for school. I began to pull out my favorite Fall Out Boy hoodie, skinny jeans, and my sneakers. Then, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth as well as my hair. I went out of the bathroom, grabbed my bag, and as quietly as I could opened the door and headed down the stairs. I made myself a quick breakfast of cereal ate extra fast and was out the door before you could even say 'quiznak'. I took the long way to school because I stop by to get my friends Hunk and Pidge on the way to school so we can walk together. When I arrive to Pidge's house I see them both standing out there waiting for me. I smile and wave at my two best friends. Even though I'm popular I really only want my two best friends. I don't like to hang around with those football players who bully everyone who isn't perfect in their eyes. Luckily, I am perfect to everyone in their eyes. I could have any boy or girl I wanted. Also I forgot to mention this I'm bi. I have had a tone of girlfriends but, only about two boyfriends.

"Hey, Hunk and Pidge," I say as I reach my friends.

They reply, "Hey Lance."

"Did you hear we are getting a new student today?" Hunk asked.

I answer, "No I didn't know that."

We talked about who we thought the new kid might be the rest of the way to school. Once we got to school we all split up to go to our first period classes. Mrs. Quinn is one of my favorite teachers because she is my science teacher. I walk into the almost full classroom and go to my seat in the back of the class. After, everyone was filed into the classroom our principal, teacher, and a kid walked into the room. This boy was the most beautiful boy I have ever seen in my whole entire life. He had black hair styled into a mullet and the most amazing purple eyes I have ever seen. He was wearing a Panic! at the Disco hoodie that was way too big, skinny jeans, and red converse.

"Alright class so we have a new student joining us today his name is Keith," Mrs. Quinn said, "Why don't you introduce yourself?"

Keith says, "Hi my name is Keith Kogane I moved here from Asia after my parents left me which was when I was really little and I have been living with a family who adopted me ever since."

"Okay thank you for sharing Keith. You can sit right in the back next to Lance," the teacher said.

Keith walked back to where I was in the back of the room. Now I got a closer look at him he was seriously pale. Then, he pulled out what I was assuming a notebook and began to write something but I could not tell what it was. I leaned over and saw Keith was writing a really sad song. I honestly wished I could write songs but my talent lies in my drawings. Though would never tell anyone I did this once I got home from school that day I instantly began drawing Keith because I could not get his face out of my mind. That night I fell asleep at my desk glad to not be getting beaten by my father tonight.

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