Chapter 5 Inspection

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Ana puts her winter coat in it's normal spot on the rack and heads towards James' room. Before she could escape to the stairs Dr. Mason stops her. "Hello Ana, today we will be conducting quick evaluations of select nurses for the board and the public. You were one of the chosen so for the morning I will be shadowing you." Dr. Mason explains. Ana nods and leads him to James' room. Walking in James grins at Ana but it quickly falls when he found Dr. Mason trailing close behind her.
"Dr. Mason is evaluating me this morning," Ana quietly explains.
"Oh. Glad to see you today sir," James hesitantly greets. Dr. Mason just grunts and marks something on his clipboard. James narrows his eyes at him and looks over at Ana. She gives him a knowing smile and shrugs.
"So Ana lets get started so I can get out of here," He says checking his large silver wrist watch. "Go through your normal check up procedures."
Ana nods and brings out a few of her tools. First picking up the stethoscope she replicated what she has been doing everyday for a month. She first presses the cold metal disc to James' solid chest.
"Slow breaths," Ana directs under her breath. Her eyes roam the room, but she avoids eye contact with Dr. Mason.
"You'll get a more clear heartbeat if you move to the left sightly," Dr. Mason directs as he grabs Ana's hand. She flinches, but Dr. Mason's grip keeps her firmly in place. James rolls his eyes as Dr. Mason use the most clichè move in the book.
"Seriously?" James mumbles.
"Sorry James we are just trying to do our job," Dr. Madison says in a bittersweet tone.
He stands up and backs away from the two. James scows and follows matching his height.
"You never seem to care about any other time. There are so many people you could be helping, but instead you chose sexually harass nurses." James points out. Doctor Mason slams James into the wall both matching in massive size and strength. Luckily for Doctor Madison this time he had the element of surprise.
"Do you want me to treat you like the rest of the low life, scum here." Doctor Mason growls. " Your father could care less. You matter to no one."
Ana tugs on Mason's white jacket pulling him back, "Please don't"
Ana's meek begging caused the doctor pause for a moment. He squints at James before letting him go.
"Don't get in my way again," Mason warns before he leaves. Ana rushes over to Jason and helps him up.
"Wow, what an asshole," James rolls his eyes as a smirk appears on his face.
"Seriously James," Ana scolds folding her arms across her small chest. "He can do whatever he wants with you."
"It's fine like he said I don't matter," He shrugs as he turns to lay on the bed.
"How could you be so selfish, what about me or George! He needs you," She huffs knitting her brow together.
"Don't worry I won't leave George... or you," James smiles. He gets up and pulls Ana's arms apart from their folded position and hugs her stiff body.
"Ug, fine," She sighs. "But, but watch yourself."
"Ok," He laughs flopping back on the bed.
He looks back out the window at the snow covered ground. He turns back to Ana and begins to nervously scratches the back of his neck avoiding eye contact.
"So there was something I needed to tell you today," he trails off. "I uh, well I thought you should know my dad is coming in two weeks."
"Oh," Ana replies looking down at her feet. "Why?"
"He said something about a new treatment, something like that," James shrugs. "Honestly your guess is as good as mine."
"Wel, don't worry. I'm sure it will be fine," She comforts.
"Thanks Ana," he replies.

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