SwaSan Epilouge *last Update*

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2nd april 2018 will always be remembered in Maheshwari family.. Finally they were going to get a new generation..
Swara s screams could be heaed around the whole neighbourhood..
Sanskar sujata rp devanshi could do nuthing but just calm swara..
Sumi and Shekhar who had started to visit maheshwari mansion oftenly started to visit due to Swara s pregnancy got really tensed seeing their daughter s condition..
Sanskar and sujata took Swara and made her lay on SwaSan s bed..
Swara was crying unconditionally..
"dr ragini plz come fast this is too much now" Sanskar was shouting to their family doctor
After whole 15 mins ragini mehrotra their doctor finally arrived..
SwaSan room:-
Swara was laying in the bed and crying.. Sujata sumi and Sanskar were present with her while both the fathers not able to see their daughter s condition were waiting outside with devanshi and praying..
Just then ragini arrived..
"I have made everything ready.. Plz everyone go out" ragini said politely
Sujata and sumi nodded and went outside..
But swara was just screaming and was not allowing Sanskar to move an inch also their hands were interwined..
Ragini saw Sanskar as both were good friends in collage and understanding the situation ragini signalled Sanskar to sit there only while he just thanked..
Covering a bedsheet ragini started the surgery while Swara s pain grew more and more with her screams.. Tears rolling like anything..Sanskar turned his face other side not able to bear this...
Swara s nail imprints were all printed on Sanskar s hands making it really red Sanskar covered his mouth with palm not to shout as he knew tht wht Swara is going through wasnt easy and he had to support her...
"push swara pushhh" ragini shouted while swara tried hard.. "ahhhhhhh Sanskaaaaaaaar" and with this they heard thr crying sound of a baby
Making SwaSan overjoyed..
Swara was really weak Sanskar smiled towards her.. Ragini slowly took the baby "Sanskar here u go its a BOY" ragini said making Sanskar smile wholeheartedly..
But was it the end? No again we could hear the voice of a baby "whts wrong with u Sanskar y didnt u inform tht u guys were expecting twins" ragini shouted
Sanskar wad in utter shock while Swara was half unconscious..
"pushhh Swaraaaa" ragini screamed and again the crying of baby could be heard..
"its a GIRl" ragini said amd have to Sanskar..
Sanskar s happiness has no bounds as he got both his son and daughter..!
Just as they took a sigh of relive and were abt to call the family
"maaaaaaaaaaaa" swara screamed as one more baby was abt to come out..
Sanskar s expressions were like as if he saw an alien..
But this time it was difficult as swara was all tired she didnt have any power to push..
"sanskar keep the babies in the couch and help Swara now.. This is the last one" ragini exclaimed..
Sanskar just nodded.. "swara plzzz tryyy" he was also screaming..
Swara was crying badly "ahhhhhhh" and with this again the sound of crying could be heard..
"its a Boy again Sanskar" ragini handed over the baby..
Sanskar was suprised as he was the exact copy of Sanskar like he used to look the same in his childhood!
Before he could take the baby in his hands carefully the baby gave a tight kick on his stomach and giggled..
Ragini smiled and laughed a lil while Sanskar s eyes widen.. He gave a look like "i will see u later"...
"sanskar im warning u before hand.. Swara has delivered Triplets and its not easy for any mother... Swara is really weak u have to take her of her ok" ragini said to Sanskar..
Sanskar just nodded..
Whole family entered im and were shock seeing 3 babies together... But were a happy seeing these little bundles ot joy..
Sumi sujata and Rp took each on of them and went outside..
And ragini too took a leave.. While Sanskar was there with Swara..
"truly God these womens r no less than a superhero" sanskar said with some tears and kissed Swara s forehead..

After an hour Swara opened her eyes and saw Sanskar who wae sleeping beside her..
She adored her touching her tummy she realized tht she aldready delivered her children..
Swara slowly caressed Sanskar s hair "Sanskar where r our babies" swara spoke weakly..
Sanskar woke up and smiled.. He helped her sitting with the help of a pillow..
Sanskar sujata and sumi bought 3 of their kids..
While Swara looked in shock"Sanskar r they our kids? "she asked still not able to believe.. While Sanskar chuckled and smiled to her..
Swara took each one of them and kissed their forehead..
Devanshi and everyone entered
She was keenly looking at tje babies..."devanshi ji wht r u trying to investigate" Sanskar asked sarcastically..
"u know wht bhai ur first baby is combo of both u and Swara bhabhi.. Ur daughter is same as Swara bhabhi while ur this son is samee like u" she said..
SwaSan nodded understanding and she was 100%right..

SwaSan-Pain hurt trust and Care (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now