Moments in time...

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I waved goodbye to my family as I walked down the path towards the gate. I was going to London to attend art college so I'd see them again soon enough. I opened the gate and made my way to my little yellow mini that my parents bought me shortly after I got my drivers licence. It was the most expensive thing my parents ever bought me and probably the most precious thing I owned. As I slid into the drivers seat I looked back one last time before I set off.

"see you soon!" I called

My twin brother, Riley yawned and waved still half asleep. He was the most lazy person you could ever meet but he was loveable and he was definitely the over protective older brother type. Even though I was only younger by 3 minutes. He even offered to drive me to London 'so that i was safe' but I refused his offer but he set me I list of rules instead.

1. No guys

2. No 'slagish/sluty' clothes as he put it as he didn't want any guys touching me up.

3. No drinking or Clubbing

4.And finally he said 'don't do anything I wouldn't do' which to me pretty much meant do whatever you please.

I giggled as I went through his rules in my head thinking about what he'd actually do if I broke them seeming as he could never hurt me even if he tried.

My Mum blew me a kiss and my Dad smiled trying not to cry. 'he's just a big softie at heart' I thought to myself as I started the engine and began my 6 hour drive to London. I flicked on my car radio and Ed Sheeran started blaring through my speakers. I loved Ed Sheeran he was amazing and not to mention wrote one of my favourite songs, moments for my favourite boy band one direction.

'it's 6:02 and that was Ed sheeran with The city' I turned down the volume cringing at the mans typical radio voice but I smiled as I began humming 'the city' again. The title of the song seemed fitting to my situation of moving to London.

I pulled over at a service station now only 2 hours from london. I grabbed my handbag from the passenger seat and checked my phone, I had four texts.

One from Riley which said:

Remember my rules Alexa! I'll know if you don't stick to them I'll use my magical twin telepathy!

He was a strange one but looks like he's woken up properly.

I checked my other messages I had two from Evie that read:

Missing you already! Maisy and Annie are driving me insane were already counting down to when we get to visit its only two weeks too go! Oh and call me when you're there babe x

I made a mental note to call her and opened the last message from Evie:

Btw hunni Maisy has no credit left so she says check twitter and Were all going to video call you later xx

I smiled Evie, Annie and Maisy were my best friends and I was definitely going to miss them but I had a feeling they'd join me in London soon enough. Our hometown was the smallest most boring place on earth and it was only a matter of time before they got sick of it and feel like you have to get away like me.

I let out a sigh and restarted the engine putting my Ed Sheeran cd in and turning the volume right up giving in to the fact that it was stuck in my head. I reversed out of my parking space. I began to drive towards the exit only to be suddenly stopped by the impact of something crashing into my car. I jolted forward and hit my head causing my vision to blur and I blacked out completely.


I heard voices as I woke up and winced as I opened my eyes and lifted my head. I surveyed my surroundings. I was wrapped up the white scratchy sheets of I hospital bed the room was pretty much empty apart from various machines that bleeped and the four white walls that stared at me. I could tell that the voices came from outside my door and I tried to listen in on them but a nurse burst into the room.

"oh sweetie you're awake"

"what happened?" I questioned confused

"you were in a car crash and you knocked yourself unconscious by hitting your head on something. You've been out cold for a couple hours but it looks like you'll be just fine"

"is my car okay?" I asked not bothered about my own well being

"I'm not sure I think its just I a couple dents I hear it's parked outside"

The nurse checked me over to make sure I was okay and she said she'll check with the doctor to see if I could be discharged.

"oh and sweetie shall I send in your visitors?"

"umm sure" I replied not sure as to who my 'visitors' were

I shrugged back down into the sheets and stared at the ceiling. I hated hospitals they smelt funny and everything was so dull. Being an art student I just wanted to splash colour onto the plain white walls. The door creaked open interrupting my thoughts and I sat up staring wide-eyed at the five faces looking back at me. My heart raced and I think they noticed as their eyes flickered to the machine to my left that started to bleep furiously. My visitors just happened to be one direction.

"are you okay!?" Liam asked concerned

"erm I think I'm hallucinating I-I'm seeing one direction, maybe hit my head a little to hard" I choked out making them smile

"Yep we here! and ermm.. Yeah sorry about that you're gonna get quite bruise" Harry looked at me solemnly

"I'm fine, even ask the nurse" I reassured him so he didn't feel bad about it. I felt slightly giddy and my breathing started to faulter.

"Harold just needs to take a driving lesson from the tommo, love" Louis chirped as he sat down on one of the few chairs pushed against the walls. I giggled at Harry's expression and he sat on Louis lap and smiled again.

"we brought you your handbag from your car, thought you might want to call your family or somthin' " Zayn said taking my bag from Niall and passing it to me

"thanks, is my car okay?" I asked sheepishly

"just a couple of dents and scratches love were paying for it to be fixed don't worry"

"are you sure your alright love? Your lookin kinda pale der" Niall sat on the chair closest to me and stared unconvinced by my attempt to sound normal

"erm I still think I'm hallucinating it's just I'm a stupid little directioner and my heart may have stopped beating" I said quite frankly

"we tend to have that effect on 'our girls' should I get the nurse?" Niall chuckled

"well the sooner I can get out of this hospital the better I'm meant to be in london by now"

"you are in London" Harry smirked

"oh awesome I just need to get to my apartment then"

"Alright well me and Louis and Zayn are gonna take your car to be fixed so we can move all your things to Harry's car and he and Niall can take you to your apartment" Liam stated

"sounds like a plan"

"erm I don't think Harry should drive, he's not safe"

"hey! I'm safe" we all just looked at Harry

"I'll drive if you want"

"I don't think your safe either I mean you are talking to your hallucinations"

"well I thought that you didn't have your license so how are you safe"

"well I don't want to get in a car with someone that talks to hallucinations" Niall winked

"fine then Harry drives" I said slowly slightly unsure of my decision


Okay that was my first chapter :L was kinda suckish eh? I promise I'll do better in the next chapter! It should be posted by tomorrow :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2012 ⏰

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