× Sleepy Days ×

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Thank you for reading this, I really hope you'll enjoy my work <3
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Daron was really tired at that point. Very, very tired.

Those days had been so heavily hard for him, physically and psychically talking; concerts, a lot of, meeting new people, running and screaming, sleeping few hours because of anxiety and excitement. For two entire months.
That was it.
And that night had been, finally, the last night.
The last step of that exhausting tour had been done. As they were all so worn out.

John was already sleeping on the little sofa of the apartment, so deeply not even Shavo could wake him up.
Oh, and he tried.
He was sitting on the floor in front of his sleeping friend, clutching his cheek sometimes, with his head tilted.
Daron looked at them smiling.
His face was traced by the strong need to sleep, and his legs found it hard to keep him on his feet.
His eyes were almost closed, when he moved to the bedrooms.
He shared his room with Serj; they always shared bedrooms.
The tall, long haired man loved to, actually.
And that feeling was pretty returned by the other.

There was something with them, that made a lot of people questioning about what they were for each other.
Even them, questioned a lot.
But both never talked about it.

Daron opened the door slowly, and didn't even payed attention to which bed he lied on.
He noticed it some seconds later, because of the smell of the blankets.
It smelled like Serj's perfume.
Lemon and honey.
What a weird perfume for a man like that.
Yet, so perfect for him.
The small boy took a deep breath into the blanket, with his eyes completely closed. He loved Serj's things, he loved his presence.
It took just few minutes for him to fall asleep.

Serj put on his t-shirt, in front of the mirror.
He finished to take a shower some minutes before, as he dressed with some simple boxers first, and started to dry his hair. They were pretty long, and very curly. Some locks remained wet, but he didn't really care, and went to his room after saying goodnight to the other two.
Shavo answered with a slow mumble, almost asleep with his head leaned on the sofa.

His hand opened the door slowly as he came in, sighing.
He looked pretty surprised when he found out he wasn't alone.

His lovely friend was sleeping right in front of him, on his bed.
The man's eyes looked so enchanted, as his cheeks warmed up a lot.
It took some time for him to take some steps towards the bed, and his face got so softened when he looked down to Daron, from short distance.
The boy was sleeping very deeply; his face was a bit covered by hair, and his body was crouched. His hands were between his thighs, and his legs moved sometimes, rubbing on each other.
Serj smiled at his figure genuinely, and decided to sit behind him. But very softly, in order to let him sleep.

It felt really intense for him, to live those moments.
They were very intimate, and Serj passed every little second of them in a storm of feelings. He was a little bit scared, yet it felt so oddly good, staying alone with that boy.

He really thought he fell in love, sometimes.

And exactly that kind of thoughts made him lie down that night, next to the other. His face was red, and his eyes glued on Daron.
There, he took all of his courage to lead one hand over him, to stroke his arm so gently.
He payed a lot of attention not to be too heavy, as he was touching an Angel. And actually, the smaller didn't even notice about him. Thing that made Serj a little more comfortable, to the point of going closer to him.
His movements were pretty clumsy, yet so cute; no one could think that Serj was that kind of man. A vibrant red almost all over his face, and big, careful eyes just because he was about to give a hug to a boy.
A long hug, actually.
His right arm morbidly covered Daron's waist, as he moved a little, still sleeping.
The man behind blocked, taking his breath in, and lot of insecurities runned everywhere in his head.
What was he doing?
What reaction could Daron have in front of that situation?
Serj just did something so risky, he really noticed about that, then.
So he bit his bottom lip, and slowly started to recede his arm.
His eyes were more sad, than regretful. He felt incapable to express himself, to be himself.
But he really couldn't see his best friend's face looking disgusted, or scared by him.
Serj's hand unintentionally stroked one of Daron's arms, and that made all of his pain shush for a second;
The boy got closer to him, and made himself smaller in order to fit better under Serj's hugging arm.
The latter's eyes widened as his hand returned near Daron's chest, and his heart started to go crazy. He decided to stay still by the way, feeling so blessed.

Minutes passed, as Serj calmed down a bit and sighed in relief.
He wouldn't have moved from there even if someone forced him.
His hand was now stroking Daron's shoulder, sometimes going through his hair; he could smell his shampoo, and feel his warmth. And suddenly, he heard his voice, too.
It was just a low, little moan, but it had been enough to make Serj panicking again.
He really didn't know what to do then, but luckily, the other boy wasn't nervous as him. He wasn't, at all.

–Hm.. S-Serj..?
Daron rubbed his head on the bed, slowly.
His eyes were slightly opened, as he recognized the other from his hand.
–D-D.. Daron...
Serj whispered, and felt his throat closing into a knot.
Suddenly, everything he thought vanished away, as he started to move to sit up again.
But he got blocked.

The small boy touched his hand softly, before taking it.
Daron mumbled, closing his eyes again.
–Stay a little bit longer...
He leaded his hand to his lips, and lied a tiny kiss on the fingers.

Serj couldn't really tell what was happening in his brain, but he was sure that his chest exploded without leaving anything intact that time.

He swallowed, and lied near the other for the second time.
–W.. Why do you want me t-to stay here?
–..Because I would miss you if you left.
Daron's voice looked a little more clear; he turned around to look at the other man's face, but he couldn't reach eye contact because his eyes were looking everywhere but not at him.
He still smiled by the way, finding Serj even more handsome than every other day.
The smaller gently lied a hand on the man's neck, making him wince and look at him rapidly.
–I'm sorry, I really didn't want to.. Bother you with my presence..
–..Serj! You're not! Am I looking annoyed?
He giggled.
–Right, that's because..– He stopped for a bit, bending his head.
–That's because I love staying with you, dear...
Serj blushed again, heavier this time.
–Daron.. You know this is something,, Very important to me, right?
The other got very closer to him, making him breathe faster.
–Y-yes, of course I know.
He rubbed his lips with the thumb, looking at him so deeply.
–I th.. I think we're on the same feeling, here..
Serj's breaths were shaking by then, as he closed his eyes, to meet Daron's lips into a fluttering kiss.

They kissed for a lot, forgetting about everything else, and finishing to fall asleep in the middle of the night, as an happy Daron, and a satisfied Serj.

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