Moving along

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Mathew was really close to his grandmother. Her name was Collette. She was one of the best grandmothers ever. She let Mathew be who he is no matter what.

At 4 Mathew started preschool, Mathew always liked school. He had attended James Monroe elementary in stockton , ca. He went to school there to 1st grade. His second year of first grade. You see in Mathews first grade year he had gotten really sick, he got buildup in his right lung and it started to fill up with water. He had to get a transplant. Note they weren't really familiar with these but he was a miracle.

Because of this and the recovery Mathew missed a lot of school in first grade and they asked for him to be retained so he didn't fall behind so he didn't fall behind. He repeated first grade and left as one of the most advanced students. He was told that for second grade he would be moving across the street to Hamilton. He attended the first 2 weeks and he ended up moving to Joseph widmer elementary. He was there for all of second grade and ended up moving again.

Mathew hated moving. He has lived with his mom for a portion of time and he didn't really get along with her. His mom was always on the go because he was in college and doing her "work" you see she was a stripper and she did a lot of gigs. So Mathew moved in with his grandparents.

From there he attended montezuma. That was the worst place for him. He got teased and made fun of cause he wasn't like everyone else. He was diffrent. He didn't really have friends and he was basically left under the bus.

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