Part Five

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A/N: Goodness, it's been so long! I need to write more updates.

- X

"You do realise this is your last chance to contribute something to our last album, right? Emphasis on last," Yoongi exclaimed, "we're getting old"

Taehyung lowered his head, obscuring his view with his hair, "Haven't I contributed enough? And what about Jin? Huh? What about him?"

"You're on two songs, two songs, out of eight and you haven't even written any lyrics," Yoongi sighed, "You know Jin has a family now, but he's contributed way more than you have!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and whispered, "I'm sick of this"

"You're what?" Yoongi snapped, "I'm not joking when I say this is our last album, we've been planning this and our disbandment for almost a year now. It has to be perfect and you know that." His voice was stern with annoyance threaded through.

"Just release it already I'm done" Taehyung huffed.

"You can't just say th-"

"Taehyung," Namjoons voice cut through Yoongi's, "you have a visitor" he said with worry lingering in his voice.

"Who?" Taehyung asked, Namjoon waved his arm and began walking back down the hallway to the front door of the complex. Taehyung followed suit and heard the sweet voice of a long forgotten memory.

Jin turned around and saw Namjoon and Taehyung approaching, he turned back and smiled once more, "Well, it was nice to see you. I'm sure we'll see each other again"

"Take care of your wife, tell her I send my love" the soft voice spoke.

Jin smiled as he began to turn away, "I will, see you later," Jin turned to the boys and waved before disappearing outside.

Namjoon sighed with a smile as he rested his eyes upon the person standing before him, "Here he is"

Taehyung stepped around Namjoon and froze.

Her face, although nine years older, hadn't changed one bit.

Taehyungs bottom lip trembled and his hands began to shake as he slowly lifted his right hand to point in disbelief at the figure standing before him. Namjoon chuckled and lowered Taehyung's arm before leaning into the figure, "He's just shocked, he'll come right"

The woman smiled and gave Namjoon a nod, "It's fine, I understand that my presence would come as a shock to not only Taehyung but to all of you"

"Well, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't," Namjoon smiled, "I'll give you two a moment to catch up"

Namjoon gave the woman one more smile before he turned around and headed back down the corridor.

"Alli" Taehyung could barely speak, he could feel his heart pounding against his chest and could feel the weight of his thoughts building.

Alli smiled warmly and took a step forward, "Yes, Taehyung, it's me. It's nice to see you again"

Taehyung's eyes darted back and forth between her eyes and swallowed hard, "It's-it's nice to see y-you t-too" he stuttered.

Flashes of moonlight and darkness shot through his mind as Alli walked closer. Taehyung stumbled to make way for her and gestured for her to enter.

"C-come in" he stuttered.

"Of course, thank you" Alli smiled and began down the corridor towards the living room and kitchen.

Taehyung swallowed hard and glanced at Alli, rapidly blinking as if to rid of a hallucination. Shaking his head of the nerves he followed behind her.

"Hey Alli, long time" Yoongi smiled and went in for a hug.

Alli accepted the hug with open arms, "Nice to see you"

"Here take a seat," Namjoon offered as he pulled out a bar stool from the kitchen bench, "want anything to drink?"

"Oh, no thank you," Alli smiled, "I'm fine for the moment"

Taehyung slowly walked towards the couch, heart beating fast. He gripped the TV remote tightly and gently clicked up the volume. Eyes fixated on Alli.

The excited chatter of old friends catching up filled the room as Taehyung sat silent on the couch, unwilling to join in on the conversation, and as if he weren't there at all.

"Breaking news," the TV blared, disrupting the chatter, "two bodies have recently been discovered, investigators are unsure at this time if the two cases are related as autopsies are currently being performed and evidence is still being collected. More information to come."

The room went silent as all eyes fixed themselves on the TV.

Namjoon glanced at Alli who also glanced at him, "That's not good" he whispered.

Alli shook her head, "Not at all, a woman is missing and now two bodies show up? I hope it isn't her"

"All we can do is hope" Taehyung sighed as he stood up from the couch, turning off the TV and headed towards the corridor.

"Taehyung," Alli called and followed, "I just need to talk to you about something. It's- it's quite important"

Yoongi and Namjoon glanced at each other before scurrying off into the next room over, keeping and eye and an ear present.

"I'm not too sure where to start," Alli wrapped her arms around herself in a self-soothing gesture, "how are you? How are you really? I'm worried about you, and your behaviour but I want to help. I really want to help"

Taehyungs head began to throb, the words she spoke made no sense to him, "I don't need help, I just wanted to see you"

Alli shrugged, "I'm here, Taehyung"

He bit his lip hard as his face turned sour, "You need to leave, now"

Alli was taken aback at his sudden change of demeanour, although he hadn't been very welcoming from the beginning this change was dark, almost evil. Alli nodded and held back tears from forming, tears not due to sadness but due to the sudden feeling of fear.

"Tell everyone it was nice to see them" Alli managed to say as her throat began to close and hurried towards the door.


"You saw him?!" Taesung raised his voice in anger and confusion.

"I needed to! I had to! Teasung, please underst-"

"No, Alli," Taesung interrupted, "why would you think that's a good idea? He's a stalker, Alli why don't you get that? I've worked too many stalker cases to know how they think and what they do. He's dangerous and I don't want you seeing him"

"He's my friend, Taesung, and he's sick," Alli pressed, "he's doing this because of what happened in the past, his intentions aren't malicious and he would never hurt me," Alli lowered her voice and pulled her eyes away from Taesung, sighing as she looked out the window at the sun set, "I know he isn't well, and I know that what he's been doing isn't entirely normal. But I know him, and I know his heart"

Teasung sighed and pulled Alli into a hug, "I'm sorry for getting angry, I just worry about you"

Alli smiled, "I know, and I love you for that. But you don't need to worry, Taehyung won't hurt me" she swallowed, not entirely believing her words.

Taesung tightened his hug, "I trust you, and I love the kindness you hold in your heart for him," he sighed and pulled away, holding her hands tightly and looking deep into her eyes, "but he is a stalker, he is unwell, and I don't want it to happen but if it comes to it then he will hurt you or at least try. These situations are never good, to put it simply"

Alli averted his gaze and slightly swung their entwined fingers as she took a deep breath in. "I just- I don't know, I don't know what I'm doing or why, I think I can help - can I? Can I really help and fix things?"

"I don't think it's your help that he needs," Taesung tightened his grip on her hands, "I think he needs professional help, Alli."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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