First day of Class

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After kiriya show you your dorm, you start unpacking your thing

(Y): "That's all of it Nya"

Then you heard a knock on your door as you open the door to see Kiriya

Kiriya: "Here's your schedule (Y)"

(Y): "T-Thank you k-kiriya-Sensei nya*take the schedule*"

Kiriya: "Oh and your mother call he said you should hide your cat part"

You bod

Kiriya: "You better ready class is about to start, so don't be late (Y)"

(Y) nod as he close the door and sigh

(Y): "Let get this over with nya"


The girl's were talking about the new student coming today

Hibari: "Have you guys heard, the new student just arrive?"

Mirai: "Yeah"

Bashou: "I wonder what she look like"

Ikaruga: "I guess we just have to wait"

Katsuragi: "and I can't to feel her chest"

Everyone sweat drop

Time skip

(Y) was putting on his uniform as he heard a knock, as he open the door to see Kiriya

Kiriya: "Ready to go"

You nod as you hide your cat ear's and wrap your tail around your waist as you follow Kiriya to Class


You and Kiriya arrive at class as kiriya told you to wait

(Y): "*sigh* this is going to be a long day nya"

????: "Maybe you shouldn't 'nya' in front of your classmates (Y). In fact don't nya only when your alone you can or if when they find out"

(Y) nod as he wait for kiriya-sensei to call you

Meanwhile inside the classroom

Kiriya: "As you all may heard you'll have a new classmate today"

The girls nod

Hibari: "I hope she like sweet"

Yagyu: "I wonder if she nice"

Kiriya: "Um, about that the new student isn't a she but a... He"

Everything went dead silent till

Everyone but kiriya: "EHHHH!!!!"

Asuka: "a b-boy?? Here at school"

Chitose: "You can't be serious?!"

Kiriya: "*sigh* I know you girls might be thinking on why there's a boy here"

Kochou: "Yes and what if this boy is just a Pervert"

Kiriya: "well his actually unique for he is skill and powerful and he came from a powerful family"

Homura: "And who are they?"

Kiriya: "I believe you girls heard of (M/N) (F/N) or should I call them 'Lady iron Blade and Destiny Fury' (That's the title your parents earn)

The girls eyes widen when they heard of there name's

Miyabi: "Wait there last name wouldn't happen to be?-"

Kiriya: "That's right The (L/N)"

The girls were shock to know that you came from The (L/N) the most powerful shinobi family ever

Miyabi: "The (L/N) huh, I heard they were the most fearsome and powerful blood line"

Leo: "Is the new Student there son?"

Kiriya: "Yes"

Kat was shock when she heard this is a male student joining them that means no breasts for her to grab. Ikaruga and Hijikata saw her expression and told her.

Ikaruga: "Calm down kat it's not the end of the world, at least will get a diversity and our enemies won't know that we have a male student with which gives us an advantage on them"

Hijikata: "Yeah and at least you won't do anything perverted to him"

But what Ikaruga and Hijikata said she thought it was over for her, but a thought began to form on her head.

Katsuragi mind: 'I wonder what guy his like and I wonder what his packing?'

Katsuragi: "Hehehahaha I Get a new boy toy for me to play with!"

The rest looked at her, having a very dark aura around  them

Katsuragi: "Ehehehe I was just kidding"

Katsuragi mind: 'not'

Outside the classroom

(Y) mind: 'EEEEHHHHHH?!, Now I don't wanna go in there now that I heard that, I wanna leave now, but I can't I promise my parents that I will be a great shinobi'

????: "I guess you'll have one interesting year he he"

You just sigh and wait for kiriya-sensei to call you

Inside the classroom

Kochou mind: 'he may be from a powerful family, but I have to see and test him to see if his pure'

Kiriya: "Okay You can enter now"

Kiriya waited for you to enter when nothing happen

Kiriya mind: 'I guess Katsuragi must have scared him when he heard her say that'

Kiriya: "You girls stay in your sit, I'll go get him"

He leaves to get you

Outside of the Classroom

Kiriya walk out to see you standing there shivering

Kiriya: "What are you doing?"

(Y): "Standing here trying not to go there"

As you shiver and Kiriya sigh

Kiriya: "Would it help if I stood by you?"

(Y): "Y-Yes nya"

As kiriya nod moving a little to the right to make room for you to enter as you want first as you did you saw all the girls staring at you as you got really nervous as kiriya follow you from behind

Kiriya: "Okay girls this is your new classmate, how about introducing yourself"

(Y): "H-Hi mine n-n-name is (Y)-(Y)-(Y)- (Y) (L)"

(you were Shattering the first letter of your name)

(Y) mind: "Oh great I'm already shattering"

You look at that girls with there staring at you but for some reason they have wierd look at them which you just ignore

-The girls-

When the girls look at you they have were blushing a bit without you or kiriya knowdesing

Leo mind: 'So his The Son of (M/N) & (F/N), i must say he looks cute'

Kochou mind: 'For some reason I don't want to test him, he doesn't seem like does other boy's who are perverts. And he also cute, I wouldn't mind testing him... To be a bit closer to him'

Yumi mind: 'He might help me practice being the perfect wife.... His perfect wife' she thought of that lustfuly

The girls were having there thoughts when kiriya clear his throat making them go back to reality

Kiriya: "Now then This is (Y) (L) as he is quite the exceptional shinobi I've heard and saw, you may take your sit (Y) behind Yagyu. Yagyu raise your hand"

Yagyu raise her hand as you went to your sit behind her, you toke your sit as you did you could help but feeling that the girl behind you was staring

(Y) mind: 'This is going to be a long day'

????: "Yes yes it is

Senran Kagura: There Is No Escape (SK Girls x Male Neko Reader)Where stories live. Discover now