love has it's own complications

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No Ones POV:

"Laur, your turn to film!" Dani called, entering the room where the two lovebirds were cuddling on the couch.

Lauren groaned and began to get up when Lisa's arm pulled her back onto the couch.

"Well tell them that they can't have her yet," Lisa said protectively which made the younger girl smile at her girlfriend.

Lisa wrapped her arm around Lauren's waist again and pulled her closer to her body.

Dani rolled her eyes but smiled at the two of them.

"Fine, I'll cover for you but only for 5 minutes," Dani replied with a giggle while walking away.

"Well then, let's make the most of it Ladybug," Lisa whispered into Lauren's ear, giving Lauren chills that ran along her spine.

Lauren planted a small and gentle kiss onto her older sisters soft lips. They continued to kiss and cuddle until Dani came back into the room.

"Okay, Chris is getting annoyed Laur you should probably come now unless you want an angry Christina on your hands," Dani said, interrupting the make out session that held out before her.

"Okay, Okay, I'm coming," Lauren replied groaning. She got off the couch and followed Dani into the room where they began to film.

Lisa missed the warmth immediately and fully spread out her legs across the couch. She decided to take out her phone and reply to a few fans on Twitter and Instagram while she waited for Lauren to come back.

"Your turn," A voice came up behind Lisa, making her jump in fright. Lisa turned around to match the face with the voice.

"Geez, Lauren!" Lisa exclaimed in fright making Lauren giggle.

"But yea, it's your turn to film Lise," Lauren said, after calming herself down from laughing. Lauren moved around and plopped herself down on the couch.

"Let's go out after this," Lisa asked the younger girl, now on her phone.

"To where?" Lauren asked placing her phone on her lap and staring into Lisa's eyes.

"I'll think about it," Lisa replied with a wink while leaving the room, leaving Lauren to wonder about where they would be going.


The girls were now done with filming and Lisa was waiting outside by her own car for Lauren to come.

"About time Lo," Lisa said sassily, shaking her head in a joking manner as Lauren quickly slid into the passenger side of Lisa's car.

"Shut up Lise," Lauren replied and playfully slapped Lisa's arm. Lisa just giggled at her and began to drive.

"So, want to tell me where we're going?" Lauren asked her girlfriend, pouting cutely towards her.

"Mm, nope," Lisa said causally, knowing how anxious Lauren would become.

"Pleaseeeeeee," Lauren begged. Lauren hated surprises, ever since she was little.

"I'll promise you, you'll love it." Lisa rested her one hand on top of Lauren's hand while the other hand was steering the wheel.

"Fine," Lauren huffed in annoyance while Lisa gave a small smile.

"You know, sometimes you're really mean," Lauren turned to Lisa, pouting like she was a little kid again.

"You love me," Lisa said cheekily while staring into the younger girls loving brown eyes and admiring her beauty.

"That's debatable," Lauren replied sassily which caused Lisa to laugh and roll her eyes.

A few minutes later, the two girls arrived at a drive in movie theatre. When they got there, there was a truck filled with blankets and food while Lauren's favourite movie was starting to play.

"Lisa!" Lauren cried in joy and wrapped her arms around the older girl excitedly.

Lauren placed her lips onto hers while they continued to hug each other. They stayed like this until Lisa pulled away, needing oxygen. Lauren rested her forehead on Lisa's and the two begin to share small kisses with the other.

The loud sound of the movie pulled them out of their thoughts and they eventually made their way to the back of the truck where they cuddled in the blankets and watched the movie.


The movie had nearly finished and the two girls were close to falling asleep.

"Lisa," Lauren whined tiredly while Lisa was rested against Lauren's body.

"Hm," Lisa replied tiredly, nearly asleep.

"Thank you for this. It was beautiful." Lauren replied which caused Lisa to smile and blush while her head was resting against Lauren's shoulder.

"Anything for you, babe," Lisa replied, giving Lauren's shoulder a quick kiss while throwing her arms around her.

"I wish we could stay here forever," Lauren said and began to play with the ends of Lisa's short green hair.

"Me too, bug," Lisa replied, not so tired as she was before.

"I wish we didn't have any complications with our relationship. I wish we could stay like this forever and not have to tell our parents," Lisa replied. Their siblings already knew but the two of them couldn't find the courage to tell their parents or their fans. It would just bring so many complications.

Lauren nodded in agreement and let out a half hearted yawn while resting her head on Lisa's head.

"Do you think we should?" Lauren asked while intertwining Lisa's hand with hers.

"Should what?"

"Tell our parents. And the fans, of course." Lauren replied, clearing up the confusion.

"I don't know Laur. I don't want to hide our relationship but I don't want anyone to give you hate or have our parents hate you or something," Lisa replied, unsure if confessing would be the best thing.

"You'd also get the hate though, it wouldn't just be me, wouldn't it?" Lauren asked.

"Of course. I'd probably get the majority of hate, but I really couldn't care less if people started to hate on me but it would crush me if people started hating on my Ladybug," Lisa replied sweetly while Lauren's face went bright red and blushed.

"So you don't want to tell them?" Lauren asked.

"I really don't know Lo. What do you want to do?" Lisa asked the younger girl quietly as the movie credits rolled in the background.

"I don't want to tell them. Not yet, anyways." Lauren replied, making Lisa feel a little more relaxed. She would do anything to keep Lauren happy, even if it meant confessing to their parents but she was grateful that Lauren didn't want to tell everyone now.

"Okay," Lisa replied and moved her head to place a kiss on Lauren's forehead and then to her cheek.

"Can we just stay like this?" Lauren asked, getting comfy while wrapping up next to Lisa and scooting down.

"Of course," Lisa replied with a small laugh as she rested her head on Lauren's shoulder again.

The two girls soon drifted into a peaceful sleep, not caring about who would see them. They were both thankful to have each other and didn't care about the complications that the future held for them.

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