Who Am I?

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Disclaimer: Boboiboy © Monsta, I just borrowed their character

Warning!! Get ready for a weird plot





Who am I?
Am i a superhero? Or an antihero?
A good friend? Or an annoying foe?
A human? Or an alien?
All of those? Or none of it?
Am I really exist? Or just a tricky eye illusion?
Inside a white room full of autopsy tools with a strong scent of medicine, there's an unconscious boy, covered with a thin turquoise blanket, lying on the surgery table. 3 adults are walking around him, observing and writing the information. The ray of red light moving pass through the body with a low frequent swishing sound. It's been 5 hours since the scanning process begins and it's still not complete. Beep! Beep! The scanning process complete. The adults look at the result of the scanner, found out that this boy is actually a—
Hello everybody, i'm bacccc!!!! //digebuk satu galaxy plus ditagih a boy and the seven souls chapter 5

For the sake of the kuda, Aku nggak tahu kenapa aku nulis ginian aaaaaaaa!!!! Apa karena gara2 ikutan ngobrol tentang theory di bbb official community group dan akhirnya ngegabut? Tau ah //ditempeleng

Oh iya, aku sengaja nggak nulis siapa dia sebenarnya biar kalian bebas berimajinasi. Kenapa aku nulis make bahasa Inggris? Ask my brain. //dibacok

Last but not least, please review if you want, and have a nice day ^w^)/

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