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WARNING: Read at your own risk!!

If you still believe in the Easter bunny don't read!!!!!

Or do it's not up to me


wasn't able to post this last night cause my mom has a app that can turn off my fun apps and make them disappear so I'm using the notepad to write but I can't post.

Scott smiles opening his eyes and rubbed them. He got up fast kicking his blankets off and ran to Mitch's bed.

"Mitchie wake up!!" Scott shook him lightly.

Mitch whined and stirred hiding under his blankets

"Nuh... I is tired" Mitch said

Scott sighed and ran to Kirstie's bed shaking her.

"Kirstin!!!! Wake up!!" Scott yelled

She moaned and covered her ears.

"Is there a fire...?!" Kirstie said rubbing her eyes

"No silly!! It's Easter" Scott said smiling.

"Then it will wait! Daddy says sleep is the most important....." Kirstie said falling back to sleep.

Scott shook her harder "No!! You can't!!"

She woke up angry "Scott Olusola!!! Let me sleep if I'm still tired I'm going to sleep!!!"

Scott sighed in defeat and ran to Kevin and Avi's room and knocked on the door hard

Scott listened hearing Kevin and Avi stir awake.

"Mitch is that you honey..??" Avi said yawning

"It's Scott!" Scott said

"Scott? Is everything okay?" Kevin said

Scott could hear shuffling and then the door opened to reveal a exhausted Avi.

"What's wrong?" Avi said picking him up

"Nothing!! It's Easter!" Scott Squealed

"Oh honey..." Kevin laughed

"What?! No one wants to wake up to see what the easter bunny left!!" Scott cheered

"It's 3 in the morning hun!" Avi said

"Oh.... how much longer till we all wake up...?"  Scott asked

"At least four hours when it is 7 o clock." Kevin said laying in his bed.

"Well.... can I sleep with you guys? I'm too excited!!" Scott said bouncing on Avi

"Of course but no talking or giggling daddy and I like our sleep" Avi chuckled

Scott laughed pointing at Avis hair. "Your hair is sticking out everywhere!"

"Okay Scott relax cause we gotta sleep."   Avi laid Scott down next to Kevin.

Kevin was already asleep but woke up when Scott started cuddling him.

"Night Scott...." Kevin said drifting off.

Avi crawled in bed falling asleep and Scott watched them and eventually fell asleep.

Avi woke up when his alarm went off at 7:30

Avi stretched waking up Scott. Scott woke up and screamed

"EASTER! EASTER! THE EASTER BUNNY!!" Scott crawled over Kevin and jumped off the bed running to his and his siblings rooms.

Kevin groaned waking up from Scott and Avi crawled on top of him burrying his face in Kevin's neck.

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