i'm warming up to meet the devil in you tonight

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The air in the dorm was electric, and Yoongi couldn't shake the excitement brimming in his chest as he pushed the covers off of his body and got out of bed. He heard Jin groan from across the room and throw a pair of sweatpants his way, Yoongi giving him a massive gummy grin as he caught the pants and slipped them on. Today was the day, and Yoongi was practically bouncing on his tiptoes, ignoring the confused stare that Jin was giving him.

The dorm was loud when both boys left their room, walking towards the kitchen where everyone was already tucking into their breakfast of leftover pancakes and fruit. It wasn't often that they got a whole weekend off, and Yoongi couldn't help but smile wide as he saw how happy everyone else looked. His smile widened as he caught sight of Namjoon, who was too busy filling up a glass of water by the sink to notice Yoongi entering the kitchen.

He raked his eyes over Namjoon's tall body, laughter on his lips as he noticed how messy the boy's recently bleached hair looked, not able to chase away thoughts of wrapping his hands in the leader's hair and pulling him into a kiss. Namjoon was wearing a loosely fitting pale blue sweater that had fallen slightly down one of his arms, exposing some of the delicate golden skin beneath that was littered with freckles and moles like the constellations of the night sky. He was just in his black boxer briefs, Yoongi greedily staring at how perfect they made his leader's ass look, the thin material hugging at his skinny waist and leaving nothing to the imagination.

Namjoon turned then, a flush of embarrassment on his cheeks as he saw Yoongi staring at him, clumsy hands almost dropping the glass of water to the floor. He looked so shy that the clash from his confidence last night had Yoongi wondering how it could have even been the same boy, the thought hitting him hard like whiplash. It was too adorable, Yoongi groaning at the thought. The younger rapper looked gorgeous, even with his tired eyes and messy hair, some of the cold water spilling from his lips and running down his exposed chest as he took a large gulp from the glass. Yoongi had to use all of his willpower to fight the urge to close the distance between them and lick the water from Namjoon's chest.

"Morning, Joonie, sleep well?" Yoongi teased.

Namjoon's blush deepened as he nodded and hurriedly walked past Yoongi to sit down next to Jungkook and Jimin, practically using them as a shield to keep him safe from Yoongi's staring. The older rapper grinned and sat down next to Jin, who had been watching Yoongi's every move with cautious eyes. Yoongi noticed him staring and gave Jin a confused look, who leaned down to whisper into the younger boy's ear.

"Just go easy on him, okay? There's lube in my bedside cabinet, make sure to use plenty of it."

Yoongi couldn't stop himself from blushing at Jin's words. He didn't realise that it was so obvious what Yoongi was planning for Namjoon today, but he felt warmth radiate over his chest, replacing the embarrassment. Jin cared about them so much, and Yoongi couldn't help but feel thankful for having the older boy in his life. He knew Jin's kind words were also carrying just as edge of a threat too, Yoongi knowing full well that if he somehow messed this up Jin would give him hell. As much as he wanted Namjoon, he knew he needed to make it good for him as well, and he didn't want to be the one to face Jin's wrath. The older boy could be ruthless sometimes.

After the breakfast everyone but Yoongi left to their rooms to get ready for the busy day ahead. Yoongi walked over to the bathroom, realising that he still had some dried cum on his stomach from last night's surprise visit. He turned the shower on and sighed at the heat, letting the water pour over his tired body. He picked up his favourite body wash, the one that smelled like freshly picked strawberries, wanting himself to smell good for Namjoon. After he was clean he dried his body and wrapped a towel tightly around his frame.

Jin was busy focusing on his reflection in the mirror when Yoongi entered the room. Yoongi was sure one day that Jin would be sucked into the mirror with how long he spent looking into it, but Yoongi couldn't blame him, if he had a face like Jin's he'd probably want to stare at himself all of the time too. Yoongi turned to his wardrobe, pulling out his softest black t-shirt and a pair of ripped black skinny jeans. He put them on before collapsing on the bed, reaching out to the table beside his bed to unplug his charging phone. His hands stopped when he noticed several bottles of lube Jin had placed next to his phone.

Yoongi picked them up and examined the bottles, awe sparkling in his eyes. He'd never known there were so many different types of lube, nor had he known Jin had collected so many of them. The oldest member truly was a kinky fucker. There were ones for heating and cooling the skin, together with plain lubes and several different flavours. His eyes were instantly drawn to the peach flavoured one, Namjoon's lyrics to Blood, Sweat and Tears coming to mind.

As Jin passed Yoongi's bed, he threw a condom into the boy's lap. He was about to mutter a thanks when he realised the older boy had passed him an extra small size, swear words erupting from Yoongi's mouth as he threw the wrapper at the back of Jin's head. The older boy was laughing hard as he left the room, and a heated blush formed across Yoongi's cheeks.

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