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Reboot #1
'Welcome! Everything is Fine.' was painted on the wall in front of my face , in a relaxing shade of green. Somehow , the fact that I was sitting on a couch in who knows where and didn't remember how I got there didn't matter. The green letters told me it was fine and so it felt like it was. This brought a relieved smile to my face. I heard a door click open and turned to see an older man in a suit. "Eleanor? Come on in." He chimed with a brightness in his eyes. "Hi Eleanor, I'm Michael. How are you today?" Michael asked. His vintage glasses and peacock bow tie indicated a great deal of effort in his outfit, which I appreciated silently. I suddenly realized I had a great deal of questions. "I'm great, thanks for asking. Oh. One question .. Where am I? Who are you ? What's going on?" I blurted out. "You , Eleanor Shellstrop, are Dead" he declared. White haired, all knowing Michael then explained that I was in the afterlife. I learned how I died which was a totally embarrassing and totally me way to die.

"Let me show you where you'll be living" Michael stated. I followed him across the bright , cartoony neighborhood to an even more cartoony little home. The house was no bigger than a storybook cottage and painted primary colors. It was revolting. I kept a smile on my face , I didn't want to seem ungrateful. We walked inside to find what Michael described as "Icelandic primitive style". It looked way smaller inside and in the corner it had paintings of clowns. I hated it. "I love it." I told Michael. "I'm so happy you like it!" Michael  exclaimed. There was a knock at the door. "This is your soulmate , Tahani Al-Jamil" Michael mentioned as the door opened. In walked the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life. She was nearly six foot and had the most gorgeous, glowing brown skin. Her choppy bangs framed her face in a sexy way, but left space for her beautiful brown eyes to shine. She had gorgeous plump lips that the Kardashian's could only dream of. Her body could make any model envious. Tahani elegantly placed her hand on the doorway. "Nice to meet you." Tahani began with an English accent that sounded like velvet feels.

If soulmates were real , I wouldn't mind Tahani being mine. "I'll leave you two to get to know each other." Michael smirked. He let himself out the front door. Tahani floated over to me, looking unimpressed. "I'm Eleanor." I said. Tahani looked down at me. "I know." She muttered and sat down on the couch. "So, what did you do on earth?" I asked, attempting to break the ice as I sat down next to her. "I raised trillions of dollars for charity and hung out with well known celebrities." She said , almost like it was rehearsed. "Oh, it's no surprise that you're here then." I replied, intimidated. "What did you do?" She asked. "I actually didn't do anything that great when I was alive. I don't even think I'm supposed to be here." I admitted. She looked up at me , surprised. "What do you mean? Michael said you were a lawyer who fought against the death penalty." Tahani said. "Can I trust you?" I asked. Tahani looked concerned and hesitated. "Well I guess we are supposed to be soulmates so , of course." She responded. She searched my eyes for some sort of emotion. "I wasn't a lawyer , I sold fake medicine to old people. None of these memories are mine. This house is not something I'd ever choose to live in." I confessed.

"We have to tell Michael." She concluded. "No, then I'll get sent to the bad place." I pleaded. "It's unfair for you to be here for people that actually belong here." Tahani snapped. Her face twisted into a pout. "That doesn't mean I deserve to get tortured for eternity. Teach me to be good. I want to deserve to be here." I protested. Tahani thought for a second. "Fine. I wouldn't want to be the reason you get tortured for eternity." She smirked. "Thank you Tahani!" I smiled. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her. I started to get butterflies in my stomach just like in middle school. "Don't thank me yet, I still don't think you should be here." she mumbled. "When does my first lesson start , teach?" I gushed. "Right now. Your first selfless act of the day is to make me dinner." She winked. God , she was perfect. I would make her dinner , if I knew how to cook. "Tahani.. i don't know how to cook." I mumbled. "Oh Eleanor. You're a hot mess." She sighed.

I looked at her. I didn't want to make her unhappy, that was a first. I've never really cared about anyone but myself. " Janet."  Janet appeared in front of me immediately. "Yes." She said. "Can I get a cookbook and all the things I need to make Tahani the perfect dinner?" I asked. Janet disappeared and came back immediately with a cookbook and all of the things I needed to make Tahani a meal. I was in the kitchen for a while until I just gave up and had Janet bring it to me. I did my best to try to make up for it with presentation. "I hope you like it" I said. "It looks delightful , Eleanor." She commented. Even eating she looked like an angel. After we finished our meal we sat on the couch. "Thank you so much Eleanor, it means a lot that you'd go through all of that for me." Tahani noted. I looked at her bright eyes staring at mine. "I just wanted to see you smile." I confessed. This made her smile. Her smile brightened the whole room. It made me feel warm all over. "I'm glad we're soulmates." I admitted. Tahani blushed and looked down , her bangs fell over her eyes. "Why?" She asked. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I mean , holy fork." I giggled. "Oh Eleanor , you're too kind." She beamed.

"Well I shouldn't overstay my welcome." Tahani sighed. "What are you talking about? I thought we lived together?" I was confused. "I live in the mansion next door." She explained. "Well, I don't mind if you stay here. If you want to." I suggested. "A sleepover doesn't sound awful. I'll stay." She smirked. "We need matching pajamas and rom-coms! Janet!" I exclaimed. Janet appeared in front of us with matching pink , silk pajamas and the movie '13 going on 30'. "Perfect." Tahani grinned. We changed into our matching silk shorts and tank top pajama set. Tahani looked perfect. "Wow." I gasped. Tahani spun around , enjoying the attention. She smiled and plopped on the couch next to me. We started to watch the movie. I had seen the movie a billion times but watching Tahani's reactions gave it a new sense of meaning. A funny scene came on. Her laugh was beautiful and contagious. I started laughing along with her. When a romantic scene came on , her eyes lit up and she smiled warmly. Her hand grasped at the air , searching for mine. I grabbed hers , excitedly. It felt so right.

Tahani looked over at me , her expression serious. I looked back at her waiting for her to say something. She didn't say a word , she looked down at my lips and back at my eyes. Her eyes lowered seductively. She leaned in and our lips met. I could feel the sparks , like fireworks bursting in the air as her soft lips graced mine. My heart fluttered like butterfly wings. My chest filled with warmth. I looked into her eyes. "What was that for ?" I asked. "Shhh. Eleanor, let me kiss you." She laughed. Cradling my cheek as she went in for another kiss. I ran my fingers through her hair, trying to lose myself in the moment. I stopped kissing her for a second. "Tahani ?" I said. "Yes, Eleanor?" She asked. "I just can't help but feel like something's not right." Tahani looked irritated. "What are you talking about? We're soulmates. You don't want to be with me?" She barked. "No no no. Not that. Tahani , if I want to be with anyone it's you. This whole Good place thing , something seems off." I admitted. She looked panicked. "What are you getting at Eleanor?" Tahani asked. "I feel like everyone's better than me here. Everywhere I go everything goes wrong. It's like my personal Hell. This can't be the Good place." I said. "You're saying this is the bad place?" Tahani gasped. "Yeah I guess I am"
Tahani looked at me with a shocked look. Her perfect face straining by the thought of being anything but perfect. And then , Nothing. *SNAP*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2018 ⏰

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