A city girl

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Max's pov hi my name is Max Black I'm 24 years old and I live in Brooklyn near Manhattan beach with my boyfriend Randy. Randy and I have had are up and downs but we worked it out and a few years lady here we are he's a great guy I love him so much 😘 I woke up to my alarm going off at 6:00 the next morning ugh no matter how many days of the week that I do this I'll never get used to waking up this early In the morning! I'm not a morning person at all I rather still be alseep with my boyfriend still in bed but I had to get up to go to my job at the willams breg dinner. I got out of bed I looked to my side and I find that my boyfriend wasn't there. Oh he must be downstairs max thought 💭 max got out of bed and put on her red and yellow dinner uniform and then went into the bathroom to do her hair and makeup which usually consists of red lipstick and mascara. Then she went downstairs to the kitchen to find her boyfriend randy in the kitchen shirtless in the kitchen making pancakes good morning babe randy said good morning why are the blinds all opened max asked? Um maybe because it's morning randy said 😂😐 well they should be closed max said and then she went to go and close the blinds. Randy laughed come on babe sit and eat randy said max sat and ate her pancakes with coffee. When she was done she kissed randy goodbye put her plates in the sink and grabbed her purse and keys and then headed out the door.               Max's pov I headed out the door and got into the car and drove to the train station to get to willams breg. I got out of the car and walked up to the train station to wait for the train. A few minutes later it came and I got on. When I got on I couldn't help but notice a girl with blond hair in the corner. I desided to go and wake her up.                                       Caroline Shannon pov hi my name is Caroline Shannon yes I'm the Caroline Shannon you may know me because my dad is a famous lawyer and I'm his daughter so you should know that I'm rich and I'm used to things being handed over to me. But all of that changed a year ago when my dad went to jail and now all our money is gone and now here I am sleeping on the train. I was startled when I felt a soft tap on my shoulder I screamed and got my taser out of my bag . And tased the person that tapped me. Ow! the voice said I looked up the  voice belonged to a girl that had dark black hair and red lipstick. Omg 😲 I'm so sorry! Caroline said don't worry when you live around here you get used to it max said. Wait Max said are you Caroline Shannon? Yes I am said Caroline wow your dad is a famous lawyer its nice to meet you Caroline although I wish it was under better circumstances said max it's nice to meet you too said Caroline. So wait what are you doing on a train? Don't you have people that drive you places max asked I gave her a sad smile I used to but my father is In jail and the bank took all are money now I'm broke said Caroline. Ugh tell me about it I work in the willams breg dinner and I barley get payed a dime.                                                                                               Max's pov I couldn't believe what I was hearing rich girl Caroline Shannon is broke wow I desided I couldn't just leave her here hey do you wanna come to work with me really cArloine said sure max said.                                                                                                               Carolines pov next stop willams breg the train said we get off here Max said come on follow me I got out of the train and followed max through the chilly Brooklyn air I know it might be crazy following a girl I just met to the place that she works that but I was desperate so I followed her. We came to a stop and then max pulled out her phone I'm going to call an uber max said uber what's the Caroline said uber is like a mini limousine max said oh cool Caroline said 10 minutes later the limo came and me and max got In once we were in max told me about where she works I work in a dinner as a waitress just stay In the corner and don't bother We while I'm working max said. Okay Caroline said hey maybe I could apply for a job there really you wanna be a waitress max said because it doesn't really pay that well ya I'm sure Caroline said I've been poor for over a year so I'm happy with any job Caroline said okay max said. A few minutes later we got out of the uber into the dinner. Hello welcome to the willams breg dinner a voice said hey hon max said this is my friend Caroline she was thinking about applying here max said of corse follow me said hon. Caroline followed hon here fill out this application and when your done you can hand it back to me hon said okay thanks Caroline said and headed to a booth to complete her appacation.                                               Max pov I was about to hand food to a table when Caroline came up to me max she said what I'm working?! Max said this will only take a second Caroline said on crimal history should I put that my father was arrested said max said if you lie they can find out. Okay Caroline said and then headed back to her booth. When she was done she handed her application back to hon thank you hon said so let's began hon said once he was headed back into the booth with Caroline okay so what's your full name hon asked Caroline Caroline Marie Shannon Caroline said. How old are you? Hon asked I'm 24 Caroline said? Where do you live? Hon asked well right now I'm currently homeless Caroline said. Why are you homeless hon asked? Because my dad is a famous lawyer and is In jail Caroline said. Wait are you the Caroline Shannon hon asked yes Caroline said. Last question why are you interested in working here hon said because I need this job and I think it will be fun Caroline said. Hon smiled will Caroline Your hired! Hon said oh wow thank you so much! Caroline said your welcome hon said and then max came out of the kitchen max guess what Caroline said I got the job! That's great Caroline max said I want you to have something max said and then held out a key what's this Caroline asked   It's a key to my apartment max said and I was thinking I need a new roommate other then my boyfriend. Are you sure Caroline asked yes Caroline max said take it it's yours max said I'll call you a uber thanks max Caroline said your welcome Caroline said. Then she got into a uber to get to Max's apartment

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