Fangirls : Disclaimer and Note

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Dear Saki,

Happy Seventeenth Birthday Bitch. I would've loved to try my hand at an eloquent and sassy letter and birthday wishes for you but then when I sat I went all John Green, like, my thoughts for you are stars I cannot fathom into constellations. But I'll try, okay? Okay.

I don't know dude, but ever since you've come into my life it's been a roller coaster ride always going up.

You were like a hurricane compared to the drizzle in my life. You came when I was seeking my Great Perhaps (refer to Stolen Love), but that never happened, of course. Things never happened the way I imagined them. But by sticking with me you taught me that mischief always wins the war.

In the beginning of our friendship, when I looked at your face, I saw a girl who loved books. Nothing more, nothing less. And I'm pretty sure you saw me as that one girl who did an exceptional work of handling athletics and academics (shouldn't be boasting about myself but this is from your point of view so I can take the risks ;P). Then when did we see each other face-to-face? Not until you saw into my cracks and I saw into yours. Before that, we were just looking at ideas of each other, like looking at your window shade but never seeing inside. But once the vessel cracks, the light can get in. The light can get out.

And now I'm dying of quotes to use so I need to find my damned ending line. And if you say that this (the letter and story) aren't one of the creepiest things anyone's ever done for you, I'll honestly be offended. Had there been a category for 'Creepy', I would've totally entered this into it. But there isn't and so I settled for Fan-fiction because this is my way of fangirling over you, so yeah. Same thing.

Kay so I figured out how I want to end this jazz. And it would be with yet another John Green quote (NOT AGAIN!) : As long as we don't die, this is gonna be one hell of a story.

I love you, Saki Dawood. That's all.

- Was, am and will forever be your stalker for life. Oh, and I also love Anamika, Mariam, Marikarie and Liam in no particular chronological order.

Ps. You may be a divergent, but you can be controlled so be a good biscuit while commenting or I'll have to consider this entire idea, yeah? Vaise bhi sick me is sassy me, ain't she?

And to all the dear readers who read that, you're shamazing. Utterly and completely the best.

DISCLAIMER : This story and any ideas attached with it are copyrighted and intended solely for the use as entertainment of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have found the writing at any point in error please notify the system manager. This story may contain confidential information and is intended only for the individual named to demand a change. If you are not the named addressee/recipient you should not disseminate, distribute or copy the contents of this story and it is strictly prohibited. Action shall be taken against those who follow to disregard this disclaimer as their final warning.

In some really simple and basic shit here's how the above text is condensed : I've worked my butt off in compiling and writing this story and you have no right to claim this as yours because it was my butt, not yours. It's been copyrighted under the Copyrights, Designs and Patent Act of 1988. Plagiarism shall not be entertained at any cost.

Note :- Proper credits will be given to those who are the rightful owners and babysitters of certain characters. Also, dedications may seem to be a bit peculiar but I can't really help it if those are the things that make my Saki happy. I know, you're going to say she's materialistic.

Warning :- The story may include excess detailing, punctuations, a teeny weeny bit of swearing and an irregular pace of story-telling. If you don't like any of those, then you've been warned.

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