Première Obsession

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That was exactly what she felt. Her head was throbbing and it had seemed to develop a second heartbeat, pounding her down with its over-exceeding rate. Her eyelids seemed to be superglued to each other and there was toothpaste crust on the sides of her mouths, the sole survivors of her feeble attempts to wash away last night's sins.

Her body had magically lost the ability to produce saliva and death seemed favourable to her at the moment.

Last night's celebrations were remembered in clips and snaps but she couldn't remember the exact series.

"SA-KI, WHERE ARE YOU BISHY?" She heard somebody scream from downstairs. And when the bathroom door flung open she groaned and moved to her side, pressing her cheek to the cool tiles beneath her.

"Here you are!" The person, who would undoubtedly be Anamika, her roommate, exclaimed and it felt like her mind was about to explode. Like almost every fucking part of her brain was going to explode to shreds and it would be so messy that even the vacuum cleaner would cry in exhaust.

The alcohol had affected her hypothalamus to such extents that her reply slurred out. But Anamika had grown accustomed to this and she knew that perhaps Sakina was hurling senseless insults to no one in particular. A typical Saki Dawood showcase.

"No I won't shut up. Now get up and get ready. You have fourteen minutes and twenty-three seconds before Gowrie and I leave for the airport to pick up Mariam." Anamika said while glancing at her wristwatch. She felt bad to see her friend like this, suffering from a massive hangover but it was she to blame. Who had asked her to make some stupid drinking bet with a stranger at a bar just because she was overjoyed to have graduated law school? Correct, no one had. She had done it herself and so she was to suffer by herself.

Even through her hazy thoughts and tired-self Saki had become a bit more alert and jerked to an upright position. Her sister from another mister was arriving today! How could've she forgotten that? With a groan of pain and a grunt of frustration she hauled herself off the floor. She had to be careful with the motion though she felt the preparation of her intestines for an evacuation mission.

With great difficulty was she able to slide her butt down the stairs so don't even ask if she'd changed into a more presentable attire or had made an effort to look pretty because she hadn't. And when she entered the kitchen it didn't seem like anyone even cared that their friend was standing in her grey and pink pyjamas with a look would be best explained as gothic met sparkly.

To the corner of the kitchen sat Gowrie, hunched over her books, concentrating on the written text only taking pauses to underline something she might have found important. And at the stove was an excited Anamika enjoying her morning tea.

When the time for departure arrived, Anamika rushed out of the main door, you couldn't blame her for her eagerness though. For the previous year the four friends had been planning this trip and now they were about to live it and even though hungover, she was pleased with the thought of it.

Once the house was locked she plonked herself into the back seat of the car, laying down and closing her eyes before the motion sickness could take over her.


This time when she woke up Saki felt less miserable, highlighting the word 'less'. Instead, she felt hot and stuffy and her back was aching. When she opened her eyes she stared at the black ceiling. Where was she?

And then realization hit her; she was still in the car. But only this time no one else was there and she was all alone. Panic rose within her. She tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge. She checked the lock system and it was open, she tried again, but still to no effect. Now, with the realization of her surroundings her claustrophobic self kicked in and the car felt more suffocating than it probably was with the car seemingly shrinking in size, engulfing her. Her phone! Where was that damn metal box when she needed it the most? But then again she didn't even remember bringing it. She was sure, sure that if she wasn't out within the next few minutes she would strike an anxiety attack.

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