Wait, Crimson updated???????

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OK, so I know it's been a while.
A very long while.
But I was looking at the prologue to my story Arcadia, and I got an idea for a story, so here we are.
A few things of note:
1) Arcadia has been deleted, as this story is going to have a similar prospect, and this story is also called Arcadia.
2) How to Die Slowly has also been deleted.
This is because it was my first story, it was bad, and I don't like it.
3) I will be updating this story every Sunday, as that is the day where I have the least things to do (however, this Saturday is when the first chapter will go up, as I am on holiday currently and on Saturday we have a six hour drive home).
And one more thing: I want to write some Victuuri (Yuri!!! On Ice) stuff, but I have like no ideas for AU's or oneshot prompts.
If anyone has any ideas they don't mind sharing (Lookin' at you YukiHavoc-chan), feel free to let me know.
That is all.

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