Aero's back story

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Alpha:Aero's story. Well let's say when Kizana left her family

(Aero Dynamic)

It's been 5 years scince Kizana left. Mom got never sleep and father always got home but Scars on him. We try to look for her but nothing happend but one day"honey can you get the sugar please. Honey?"I run to find my sister. What I'm not old it's bad for me Because I'm just a child well no I'm 16 years old. But how will my tail fit me well I don't know I transform in my wolf form and look for my sister. It's been  10 minutes I did not find my sister"haaa! Where are you?" I try and try to find her but I can't still find her it's night time here but the only problem is I don't know where my house is. I start to panic but daddy away said to me breath in and breath out"well I'll find a cave then"I start to find a cave lucky I found one. 'I will just sleep until it's day time' I said to myself.

~Day time~

I run again to find my sister but still no(Alpha:I know why you can't find her aero Aero:why? Alpha:because you just search the forest!)then there was a gun shot I run to where is was to see a human shoting a little wolf. One man with a red hair and the other with dirty blond and black skin"Hey now stay still This will not hurt you"The blond man Try to shot But I bite his hand and block the little wolf"haaa! You little brat!"Red hair boy got the gun And try to shot me but there is no bullet"shot! We need to go now!"the mans run to the city I run to the little wolf and hug the little wolf"Are you ok little one?"the wolf nodded and run to someone her sister,big sister the sister smiled at me and said thank you I reply back. I run back to my cave and rest the day.

~2 years later~

Two day has past it's know my 18 birthday but I have no cake,no food everything I run to the city well not in wolf form my human self I use a hoodie to hide my ears and I role my tail so My tail can not see by many pepole. I still search for my sister and hope she's fine I was walking and to bump to a human I look at him or her and said"sorry I did not know where I was walking"She or he have a hand and said"No,no it's fine I did not look too"I look at her know. Her grey with a little white on her bangs and yellow eye her other eye was cover by a eye patch(Alpha:the eye patch look like on the black butler The on ciel is wearing)I walk past her but collapse on the ground. One my eyes was open I was now in a room a blue one with a white in it the door was open I look to see the girl help me"uhmm....Thank you"She smiled and walk to me she pull my hoodie down. My ears pop-up I let my ears down to say I was embarras The girl giggle. It was the cute giggle I heard"uhmm.." "are you looking for you sister?"I eyes was now at her now her eye patch was gone I can see her blue eye. I have to say her eyes is shining in the dark. I nodded in her on she said the door was now open to see What I'm looking for my sister tears fall from my eyes to see her again"looks like your ok now"she smiled at I run back to her and hug her. Ones I let go of her She was holding a cake that say happy birthday on it"happy 18-th birthday little sis".

Days has past

The news was told that a house was burn we look at the news to see are house burn down tears and sobbing was heard form us"M-Mom a-and d-dad are done. W-where a-re we g-go-going t-to live know"I sob to what I say Alpha said"you can stay here if you want I don't mind"alpha hug me and rub my back up and down I cry on her chest on that day.

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