Snap out of it. (Frank P.O.V)

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He's dying, he may not have felt any pain, but he was practically already a dead corpse. He was lying there on the floor of his classroom, blood spewing from all directions of his and many others bodies.
There wasn't a scent of life in this school, apart from the few survivors of Gerard's wrath. Gerard, he never knew he would do anything like this, he would never have guessed he would like doing this.
He killed them, he's killing me, he's killed everyone else. He's committed a murder, a homicide, and a suicide.
He lay next to me, blood spewing from a hole in the side of his head and his mouth.
A bullet to the brain, it seemed like the whole room was covered in the students blood, almost as though it was purposely smeared against the plain walls of the classroom.
Gerard was said to be a literal Psychopath, he was just difficult to get to know. Trust me, I was his best friend, he liked asking questions at the worst of times, such as, asking how this girl, Sarah's, parents were, a few days after she revealed she was an orphan. She was one of the people he had killed, she liked Brendon, everyone knew that and when Brendon found out, he went to Gerard to talk about since he didn't like her but Dallon. So, Gerard, took it into his own hands and did the most logical thing that any sane person would do; He burned her house down to the ground while she and her best friend, Jenna, were still inside.

I liked Gerard, he was nice to me, but obviously not anymore. He fucking shot me and everyone in the classroom, including himself. He's still alive, he's choking and shaking next to me, he looks like he's having a stroke. His eyes are rolling to the back of his head, he's screaming through the blood in his mouth, the blood bubbling as he does.

Frank awoke to the sound of his alarm clock.
"Fucking hell" he whispered to himself. He reached over to his bedside table and smacked the alarm, knocking it to the floor.
'Thank god, that was only a nightmare'
He thought to himself as he tried to pick an outfit for the day.
God he missed Gerard.
Ever since he went missing, he's all he can think of.
He's out there; somewhere; all alone, nowhere to go, he's probably scared out of his mind. Frank got dressed and made his way downstairs, skipping a few steps on the way down to make the journey quicker.
"Mom?" He called out when he realised no one was downstairs. He called out to her again, still no response. "Dad?" He checked to see if he was home but again, no response. He figured they must've gone out for work or something, but he thought they would've left a note to tell him left early.
He made himself some cereal for breakfast before gathering his books, brushing his teeth and heading off to school.

After Gerard went missing, Frank only had a few friends left at school that he could go to. Those friends were Brendon; the buff jock that everyone wants to date at some point. Tyler; the shy, edgy kid that is practically invisible. Patrick; the chubby kid with glasses and mutton chops, who never takes off his fedora. Andy B; he's one of the Andy's in the school, but much more emo, his black hair covers half of his face most of the time, unlike Andy H's sandy Blonde hair, that's pushed back into a fuckboy-ish hairstyle. And finally, Lyn-z; she's the only girl in the group. She's not a tomboy but she isn't a girly girl either, she kind of meets in the middle.
This small group of friends, unlike the rest of the other students, knew Gerard better than even his own family. They practically were family.
They told each other everything, their problems, their secrets, anything.
But Frank hasn't told anyone his —well he would say little, but it's kind
of a big one. He hasn't told anyone he's gay, or who he likes; Gerard.
He thinks the song
'Dirty Little Secret' by All American Rejects, would be a fitting song to play every single fucking day of his miserable life.
Did he mention he missed Gerard, like so fucking much?

He felt alone, even when he wasn't.
He had Brendon, Tyler, Patrick, Andy and Lyn-z, but it didn't feel like it. He felt like he had no one to go to. He felt useless without Gerard.
He told Gerard everything, not Andy or Patrick or Tyler, only Gerard. Gerard was his his sanctum, his sanctuary,  His safe place.
He felt as though Gerard were the only other person in the universe, And now that he's gone, he has no one.

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