Run Away With Me. (Gerard's P.O.V)

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I saw two blinding lights approach the gas station, I had Frank on the phone with and he's saying he just pulled up 'that must be him' thought to myself. I hesitated, what if it isn't him? I waited until I saw a figure step out of the tattered red Jeep. I saw he was holding his phone up to his ear and when he talked I heard his voice from my phone, definitely him. I slowly made my way from inside of the station outside towards Frank. He didn't notice me at first, obviously because it was dark, but also because I felt the need to try and hide from him. When he did end up noticing me, he didn't actually know who it was. "Gee?" He asked. "Is that you?" I stepped out of the shadows and out into the light of Frank's headlights, I think I must've looked scared or reserved or something because he told me not to be afraid. "Come here, I missed you so much! You have no idea!" He said, opening his arms wide, motioning me in for a hug, which I really needed after all of this.
I ran into him, squeezing him as tight as I could, I missed him so damn much. He held me close for a few seconds before pulling away.
"What happened to you?" He asked looking up and down my body at all of the cuts and bruises I endured.
"Oh those, I'm fine, just a few cuts and bruises, that's all." I say looking down at Frank's face, filled with concern, even though it was dark, I could still tell he was really worried.

We talked for a while, we sat in his car, him sitting in the drivers seat while I sat in the passengers. He kept staring at me, but something about this stare, it seemed so comforting and warm.
An uncomfortable silence fell upon us both, until suddenly, Frank put his hand on my cheek, pretty much forcing me to look at him. He looked longingly into my eyes as if he were wanting something from me.
And I found out what he wanted, when he leant in close and planted a gentle kiss on my lips. He put his hand around the back of my neck and pulled my face closer to his.
He pulled away, placing his forehead on mine, closing his eyes as a smile crept across his face.
"I've always wanted to do that, since the first day I met you. I fell head over heels for you, Gee... I think I love you..." Frank spoke softly as he looked deeply into my eyes. I blushed a bright red but because of our lighting situation, it wasn't too noticeable. "Frank..." I was speechless I didn't know how to respond to this, with words maybe, but with one small action I gave him a million answers. I kissed him. Not in a harsh or lustful way, but softly and as nonchalant as possible.
"I think that means you love me too?" Frank asked. I chuckle resting my forehead on his again, leaving us in another silence, but not an uncomfortable one this time.

We sat in Franks Jeep, just enjoying the time we had together, until I realised, where am I going to go after this? I'm sure as hell not going back into town. I shifted awkwardly in my seat, pressing my back up against the door. "Frank, where will I go when you leave?" Frank looked at me as if I were wearing a hotdog suit and just asked him to 'Ask me about my Weiner'                                              
(sorry for the reference ppl who have read You Leave Me Breathless huehuehue)
"You're coming home with me?"

"Im not going back to that spawn of Satan family." I say flatly.

"Well, you don't have to go to You're home. You could always come home with me?" He hinted.
"... Okay, only if I get to stay in your room. I hate your guest bedroom."

"I don't think that'll be a problem, Gee." Frank chuckled.
"Do you have everything you need to take home?" He asked me.
"I don't have anything anyway." I reply. "So, I'll take that as a yes." He said as he starts the car and starts to drive us back to the place I used to call home.


We eventually parked outside Frank's house, a familiar sight indeed. It felt strange walking up to Frank's room, it felt... different.
I can't explain the feeling.
But it was definitely, a new feeling.
Frank opened his bedroom door and invites me in. I walk past him into his room and onto an office chair by his desk in the corner.
"God, it feels so different in here..."
I say looking around his room, reminiscing on the good times Frank and the rest of our small friend group, had here, including myself.
"Maybe it's just because of the amount of time you haven't seen it for?"  Frank said as he walked towards me, sitting on his bed, pulling me and the chair closer to him.
"Maybe..." I chuckle. I feel like i could cut the sexual tension in the air with a knife, Jesus Christ, why am I so horny for Frank? I look into Frank's eyes and he does the same.
I can't take it any longer and leap onto him making him fall backwards into the bed. I kiss him, for a long time, his tongue slips between my lips and teeth, exploring the inside of my mouth and tongue.


I wake up in a cold sweat, where am I? I look around, I'm in Frank's room... but I'm naked? What happened last night?? I try to move but am restricted due to arms wrapped around my waist. It was Frank, Thank god, but I was still so confused as to how we got into this situation.
I don't remember anything except for the kissing parts, I don't remember... having sex...

Oh, I'm fucked... literally...

°°° Heyo it me agiiin... well obviously who else would it be? Satan? HA I wish... anyway hope u enjoyed this chapter and baibai 4 now!!°°°


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