chapter 1

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I run through the trees of a deep forest, the screams of a woman could be heard behind me. I want so much to turn around and go help her but I can't, if I did those screams would be mine and she'd cry. I never want to see her cry again, if I ever see her again.

I get shivers down my spine as the screams stop, I start to run as fast as my legs will take me, not knowing nor caring where I went I just have to keep going, keep running until I can't run anymore.

Hours pass and I feel my legs screaming in pain for me to stop and my head pulsing with exhaustion. My body aching and my mind numb, I felt nothing at this point....I was empty. I kept running until my entire world went black.

My eyes flutter open to the blinding light of the sun, I stand up as leaves fall off my body and I look around at my surroundings. Over the tree tops columns of smoke rises into the air, I try to move my legs towards the smoke but my muscles scream out as a hot burning pain fills my senses. My head starts to spin as the world goes hazy, my hand flies to my head as I close my eyes as my head feels like its pulsing. I feel a hot sticky liquid on the side of my head, I open my eyes as I bring my hand down in front of me. My hand covered in a crimson red substance. After a few seconds I realize what it was , it was blood, hot sticky blood was pouring from my head, I hear a the crunching of leaves behind me. Fear took over my senses once again as I wonder what might be making the noise, a wolf stalking me like its prey or maybe a bear ready to crush me with its massive paws. Shadows then cover me from the warmth of the sun's rays. My heart begins to race as I come to the conclusion that it was bear. I quickly turn around ignoring the pain in my head and legs, through the gaps in my black hair I see a man that could secretly be a bear. Wide shoulders, taller than most men I've seen, he had red hair that seemed to burn like fire and warm light green eyes and freckled skin, he was wearing a blue tank top and matching jeans with boots that go to his mid-calf. His eyes darted over me for a second then land on my head; I was wondering what he was looking at but then the realization hit me, the blood dripping down my face.

"How'd you do that?" He said his voice harsh and raspy from being silent.

"I-I don't know." I squeaked out. His eyebrow rises in disbelief.

"You don't know?" He mimicked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"T-that's right." I said feeling like I was getting smaller by the second as I stand in front of this man.

"Hmm alright come on." He beamed and started walking past me, grasping my hand pulling me along, I wince slightly as the pain burns again but I try not to show it. We walk through the forest until a small village is in sight, my eyes widen as I see the small cottages, and there are only about five cottages, all a small size and only a single farm patch. I look at the man who has a grip on my wrist as he drags me towards a cottage a slightly larger than the rest, the man strides inside easily as I falter each step, he finally notices my strange walking and lifts me off the ground taking me over to a bed in the room, he lays me down as a slight blush tinges my cheeks, I look at him.

"I'll be back, stay put." He says in a demanding tone, I nod silently and watch as his large form disappears out the door. I look around the room, I see a few more beds much similar to the one I'm rested on, there's also shelves filled with potion like vials with a fire place in the center of the room.

I look at the door as it creaks open, I see a young boy that looks similar to the man who brought me here, same red hair and freckled skin but he was much smaller and looked far more innocent. He also had deep green eyes like the color of the pine trees in the forest unlike the larger man's warm light green eyes.

"Hello!" He chirped happily, you could basically hear the innocence in his voice. The child smiles at me with the brightest smile I've ever seen, I can help but smile back.

"Hey." He says softly as he walks over to me.

"My big brother told me to come keep you company while he gets Kate." He said cheerfully as he sits on a chair next to the bed I occupied.

"Your big brother?" I ask as my head tilts slightly.

"Yeah the big guy that brought you here." He says cheerfully as his legs start to swing, too small to touch the ground as he sits in the chair.

"Oh I should've guessed, you kind of look like him." I say with a slight giggle. He smiles obviously liking the idea of looking like his brother. The door creaks open again as the man from earlier walks in and a woman walks in not too much older than I am. She has golden brown hair that curls around her face and rests on her shoulders. She has gleaming orange eyes that seemed to be a burning blaze that was trapped inside her. She wore a deep blue dress that flows down her small petite body. His golden brown hair cresses her pale cheeks. The kid smiles more and runs to her before hugging her.

"Kate!" He cheers happily as she hugs him back, so she's Kate.

"Come on bud leave her be, she's got a patient right now." The man chuckles and the kid lets her go still smiling brightly. The woman walks over to me and places her hand on my head slightly; her touch soft and motherly, I sit up slowly as she steps back. I look at the guy who had brought me in, he looks back at me and smiles, I smile back as Kate inspects my head for a wound. As she touches the side of my head I wince in pain.

"Sorry." She apologizes as she moves my hair away from the sore area. She sees a small open cut that's bleeding. She puts a green cream on the wound making me wince again then she wraps a white bandage around my head covering the wound and stopping the bleeding. My eyes wonder over to her and she catches my eyes, she gives me a soft smile and hugs me gently.

"You've gone through a lot haven't you." she says holding the embrace, I nod and hug her back tightly, hot tears stream down my cheeks. I feel her hand caress my back and I feel my eyes grow heavy until I slip out of consciousness into a deep blissful slumber.


Hey there guys it's whitewolf here's the first chapter of a new book ive been righting i hope you enjoy.

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