Chapter 4

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My eyes flutter open as I escape from sleeps embrace; I'm met with the familiar glow of red hair. I can feel strong arms wrapped around me and a sweet warmth. I feel blood rise to my cheeks forming a bright blush as I see the face of the head guard snuggled into my shoulder. I can't help but smile as I see him sleeping peacefully I slowly pry my body out of his arms and get up. I sneak outside shutting the door slowly like it was going to shatter if moved to fast. I stretch my arms above my head hearing a chorus of cracks. With a deep sigh I drop my arms and look up into the sky. I close my eyes as I feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. I hear the door open and quietly shut behind me. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist lovingly, I feel my blush deepen as I open my eyes looking into light green eyes , I feel his hand gently brush a bit of hair behind my ear. I can see his warm caring smile. I give him a shy smile as I see him lean towards me. I unconsciously lean forward as my eyes close; I could feel his warm breath against my skin as we get closer. Just before our lips touched Danny pulls my arm, causing me to fall. Right before I hit the ground I can feel Jackson's arms wrap around me once again. This time it felt protective instead of loving.

"Are you okay?" I hear Jackson's panicked voice say as I open my eye.

"Y-yeah." My voice cracks and I hear Danny's evil little conniving giggle behind me and the scolding voice of another. I turn my head to see Kate glaring down at the giggling child. Through the giggles I hear the words. "They were so close too..." And "...but you just had to ruin it didn't you." I feel my face light up in embarrassment as in look up at Jackson; I could see a tinge of red on his cheeks as he looked down at me.

"U-um thank you." I say trying to keep my voice from cracking again due to my embarrassment. He nods and pulls me up to my feet.

"I have to go do my rounds I'll be back later." He says quickly as his arms detach from me waist, I nod as I see his form disappearing around a corner. I let out a deep breath and cover my face in my hands.

"What just happened?" I mumble into my palms as I lean against the wall. I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"What happened is that you love my brother." Kate says with a held back squeal. I bite my lip as my face starts to burn.

"N-no I don't." I say trying to hide the emotion in my voice.

"Yes you do." She argues.

"No I don't and you have no proof that I do." I say as I uncover my face while my blush disappears. I look at her.

"You almost kissed!" She half squeals. I go quiet not knowing what to say to that.

"But don't worry he'll be all yours tonight." She says with a wink.

"What do you mean?" I question tilting my head slightly.

"The village is holding a festival tonight to honour the Divine warriors and Jackson will be there not working for once so you get to dance, laugh and be with him." She says with a bright smile. I look down at my feet as I think about tonight.

"That would be nice." I mumble through a small smile. She squeals and grabs my hand pulling towards her house.

"Then let's get ready!" She announces as she drags me into her home.

"But its hours away." I plead trying to get away.

"Exactly its only hours away we have to start getting ready." She says in panicked voice.

She pushes a towel towards me and pushes me into the wash room telling me to wash up. I sigh as the door closes, I walk to the tub and fill it with warm water. I slip out of my clothes and step into the water, I smile as I feel the warmth against my skin, I lay down the water and let it take my weight as I relax, I close my eyes and feel my body grow weightless as the tensions just float away from my mind. Suddenly I hear the door crash open causing me to panic and I open my eyes to be met with a rush of cold water, I gasp as it hits my skin.

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